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Daft - 93 <br />Article : *Approved BoS F 1 article, o be inserted in motion <br />for 2 different areas <br />41 To see 'i the 'Town will vote to transfer from available funds a sum of money to the <br />Stabilization Account, or take any other action relating thereto. <br />0 <br />Submitted by the Finance Committee <br />Article : `Approved B S ' (add bonding authorization; insert <br />not to exceed figure) <br />To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of selectmen, puru uant to G.L. c.4 , <br />A, to eater into n interrnunim <br />Ppal agreement with theTown of sandwich for the purpose of <br />financing, constructing, and operating a regional septa a treatment facility, such agreement to be <br />on such terms and conditions as the Board of Selectmen deem to be in the best interests of the <br />"Town provided, however, that the maximum financial liability to the Town of l lashpee for <br />construction costs shall not exceed $3.25 million, and that the meximum term of such agreement <br />shall not exceed 25 years as provided by G.I. .o, §4A, or tame any other action relating hereto. <br />Submitted by the Board of Selectmen <br />Article 10: *Approved B S F <br />To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate., borrow or transfer from available <br />funds the sum of $12,650 t reimburse the Town of sandwich for of the cost of engineering <br />services associated with modification of engineering plans of the wastewater treatment plant in <br />preparation for accepting pretreated septage from both towns, or take any other action relating <br />thereto. <br />Submitted by the Board of Health <br />and the Board of Selectmen <br />Article 11: `Approve-d o f <br />To see if the Town will vote to raise and -appropriate, borrow or transfer from available <br />funds the sun of $30,700 to the wastewater Planning Facility Account, or take any other action <br />relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the Board of Health <br />and the Board of Selectmen <br />Article 12: *Approved in er; a sum of money) <br />To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from available <br />funds the surer of $50,600 to the 'Town Lagoon Account, or take any other action relating <br />thereto. <br />Submitted by the Board of Health <br />and the Board of Selectmen <br />