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6/28/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/28/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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The Chair continued to read through Sections B and C. Regarding C, Land Area Permitted, Open <br /> Space Requirement, Chairman Waygan noted that the developer would need to have control of at least <br /> 20 acres, and one acre of land of a specific quality would be set aside as open space in the custody of <br /> the Conservation Commission, in order to develop one acre of land or one acre of land set aside to be <br /> managed by another non-profit or trust for the purpose of conservation, in exchange for the <br /> development of one half of an acre. The Chair continued to read portions of Section C. <br /> The Chair read Section D, Allowed Uses, which clarified the acreage and number of allowable <br /> bedrooms, and noting that any use allowable in Town could be considered by the Planning Board, in <br /> an effort to allow the greatest flexibility for MPD Special Permit. Section E described the Affordable <br /> Housing Requirement,requiring that 15% of the dwellings would be deed restricted affordable. <br /> Chairman Waygan read Section F, Land Space Requirements, stating that this was where Form-Based <br /> Code would be inserted into the Bylaw without being part of the Bylaw or requiring a 213 vote by <br /> Town Meeting. It would require a Master Plan. Sections G,H and I were read aloud,noting that I, <br /> Master Plan, would be representative of the work completed during the planning stages of Mashpee <br /> Commons by Design. Section J, K and L allowed for Development in phases, and Expiration and <br /> Extension. Chairman.Waygan read through Section M, detailing the Form-based Design Code, likely <br /> submitted by the developer, and described the minimum requirement elements of FBC. Signage, <br /> Parking and Revisions to Code were detailed in Sections N, O and P. The Chair noted that, once there <br /> was a Master Plan, Mixed Use Plan Development, Form-Based Code and Permit approved,the <br /> development could then move forward by right._ <br /> Mr. Balzarini expressed his support for the proposed Article, stating his opinion that it would work for <br /> Mashpee Commons and noting that something similar had been discussed years before. Mi. Balzarini <br /> stated that the Mashpee Commons proposal was not a Zoning Article that could be approved by the <br /> State House. It was Mr. Balzarini's opinion that the Planning Board proposed Article would be an <br /> easier option for Mashpee Commons. <br /> Mr. Cummings was in agreement with Mr. Balzarini, adding that he felt that the Article was a good <br /> plan. <br /> Mr. Weeden expressed his preference for the Planning Board's Article that gave the Board its due <br /> authority without circumvention throughout the buildout process. It was Mr, Weeden's opinion that <br /> the Mashpee Commons' proposal was premature, referencing an article that featured Buff Chace who <br /> indicated that a Master Plan would be developed to guide the changes to develop a Form-Based Code <br /> but, instead,just a few months later, Mashpee Commons has presented Farm-Based Code without a <br /> Master Plan. <br /> Mr. Hansen was in agreement with the other Board members regarding their proposed Article. It was <br /> Mr. Hansen's opinion that the proposed Article encompassed all zoning classifications and was broad <br /> based, incorporating Form-Based Code while also retaining the authority of the Planning Board and <br /> the Town. Mr. Hansen encouraged the Town to adopt the Planning Board's proposed Article. <br /> Mr. Kooharian also agreed with the proposed Article,maintaining the Board's involvement, as elected <br /> officials for the Town, Mr, Kooharian was hopeful that the Article would provide Mashpee Commons <br /> 2 <br />
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