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6/20/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/20/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Mr, Tupper reported that Mashpee rotary would be the subject of their next study beginning in <br /> October. Data would be collected during the summer. Mr. Tupper added that Planning Boards <br /> and other review agencies also reviewed traffic impact assessment,which specifically studied the <br /> impacts of a proposed development on a community. <br /> Mr. Tupper stated that Falmouth was hosting a Resiliency Design Workshop. In addition, One <br /> Cape 2018 would take place in Harwich August 16 and 17. <br /> Mark inquired about form-based code and Mr. Lehrer described it as based on form, such as <br /> architecture, and building types to create more organic developments. Mr. Lehrer invited Mark <br /> to his office to share his resources. There was no additional public comment. <br /> Mr. Balzarini inquired about their work with the State regarding transportation. Mr. Tupper <br /> responded that they worked with MassDOT as a partner, who would be funding the study. W. <br /> Balzarini suggested that Southport and other developments offer transportation to Mashpee <br /> Commons. Mr. Tupper confirmed that they had seen more communities offering transportation <br /> services, such as assisted living communities. It was noted that it may be privately offered or <br /> through the RTA. Mr. Lehrer stated that, in reviewing Southport's Special Permit, they would <br /> be required to offer transit after meeting a certain threshold. It was noted that it was likely they <br /> had reached the threshold so Mr. Lehrer would be looking into the issue further. Chairman <br /> Waygan requested that the CCC presentation be added to the website in color to allow a better <br /> review of the maps. Mr. Balzarini inquired about the pathways from the beach to Sandwich. <br /> Mr. Tupper responded that he would add that slide. Mr. Balzarini stated his support for <br /> simplifying the LCP based on his prior involvement with drafting the plan. <br /> Mr. Hansen inquired why their One Cape program was being held in August and Ms. Senatori <br /> responded that they had tried a variety of times and this would be timed with the release of the <br /> RPP as well as other reports and projects. <br /> The Chair inquired about the rotary meetings, cautioning that some residents would be leaving <br /> during the off season, and recommended that some be held while residents were in town. Mr. <br /> Tupper confirmed that meetings would be held at different times of the year, noting that they <br /> wanted as large an audience as possible. Mr. Tupper added that they were willing to consider <br /> other forms of communication, such as phone calls, with interested parties. <br /> Mr. Lehrer encouraged the Board to consider the activity centers and the goals of the Regional <br /> Policy Plan as future development was being considered in Mashpee, and the need for dense <br /> development for the remaining 15% of land. Mr. Virgilio stated that public exchange was a <br /> benefit and was effective in the work of the Cape Cod Commission and offered his vote of <br /> support for Ms. Senatori to serve as the Executive Director. <br /> Chairman Waygan stated that the Planning Board had just referred a project and inquired how <br /> residents would be made aware of the public hearing. Ms. Senatori responded that the notice <br /> would be located on their website and the local paper and agreed to send it to the Board. <br /> A recess was taken at 6:59 p.m. The Board reconvened at 7:06 p.m, <br /> 5 <br />
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