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9/20/1994 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
9/20/1994 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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MASHPEE HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 <br /> TOWN HALL <br /> Members Present: Peter Dinizio, Bill Martiros, Merry sue Ahlgren , Steve <br /> Gree 1 i sh , Joe Polito, Michael Pare, Janice Mills <br /> Also Present: Flay Bo rdwe 1 1 , Bob Fournier, Tom Wren , Ian Aitchison, George <br /> Costa, Greg Taylor, Dr , DeMou ra, Tori Fuda1 a <br /> Absent: Joan Arrant Tavares, Paul Griffin <br /> MINUTES <br /> Merry sue made a motion to approve the minutes of August 23 and <br /> Sept. 13 .* <br /> Bob Fournier said there are some areas that are not clear to him, pg. <br /> second paragraph . Lighting moved to FF & E because of cost. Bob said they <br /> talked about mooring the stage lighting but not because of the cost* Bob <br /> w 1 1 1 work it out with Ardent <br /> Merry sue rade a motion to accept the minutes of Sept. <br /> 13, 1994, Joe seconded the motion . All members were in favor.** <br /> DISCUSSION WITH TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT JOHN CHILDS <br /> Mr. Childs explained his role to the committee. The f rst phase is to <br /> assist with technology planning . Get a thorough understanding from the <br /> school personnel and community of what their concepts are. He spent today <br /> reviewing documents to try to understand the school department' s concept. <br /> He has also brought some questions to the groups he met with . It seems <br /> that this committee wants a strong infrastructure at the physical level <br /> (conduit, cable tray) to put facilities in now and i n the future . <br /> Immediately , they want to put in basics for a voice, video and data <br /> network. The actual devises is a more open issue what locations and exact <br /> quantities' <br /> He will advise Perkins and will/ MMA on structural issues. He spent the <br /> morning working with the electrical engineers. Satellite dish reception <br /> and where the dishes go needs to be addressed. <br /> He will work with the superintendent to take the anticipated program and <br /> tell the committee what is needed to get that designed . <br /> His firm does a lot of actual specifications, but that i s the next phase. <br /> D r"i DeMou ra would like to ask the committee to extend M r. Childs' contract <br /> to include the specifications on the hardware and the software. He has the <br /> expertise to assist with that. <br /> He asked Mr . Childs to share with the Committee the cost in the future to <br /> maintain the base level of technology going into this building,. <br /> M r. Childs explained he tries to put numbers on the initial cost of the <br /> technology and the cost to run and maintain i t. Physical mai ntenance will <br /> take 7 of the installed base, each year to maintain and repair. It will <br /> take another 2 , including staff, to maximize it's use - annual recurring <br /> software , software support licenses, sone upgrade of hardware. Most of it <br /> goes to personnel costs* <br /> Peter asked if Dr . DeMou ra is afraid this will tape away from hiring <br />
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