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f - <br /> 3 <br /> Board of Selectmen <br /> Minutes <br /> ,lune 2 8, 2010 <br /> Public Forum—Proposed Conversion of Private to Town-Owned Roads. <br /> (continued) <br /> The Selectmen opened the forum to obtain public input. <br /> r <br /> A Sachem Road resident inquired as to the impetus of the betterment. The <br /> Selectmen responded by stating the roads as they presently exist are <br /> impassible for public safety vehicles and school buses during rain and <br /> other storms. As a result of the roads being impassable, it has been <br /> determined an issue of public safety. <br /> IVlashpee resident Douglas Sample stated the roads as they presently exist <br /> cause traffic to move slower, and it is very safe for the children. Mr. <br /> Sample indicated if the roads were unproved, there may be an issue of <br /> public safety when the children walk on the roads to the beach area. In his <br /> opinion, the roads should remain private. <br /> Johns Pond resident Meredith Chadwick of 26 Canonchet Avenue noted <br /> that she has been a resident since the 70's. At the time,the DPW used to <br /> take care of the roads. She asked why the residents should take care of the <br /> F roads'now. Ms. Chadwick stated that Cayuga Avenue was recently paved <br /> and people are now driving too fast. Ms. Chadwick explained the <br /> betterment would create a financial hardship, especially with a special <br /> needs son. Ms. Chadwick asked what the taxes are doing for her now. <br /> IVIS. Chadwick also indicated she would like the tunes to go back to the <br /> 70's and loo's when everybody dict for everybody. <br /> In response,the Director of Public works indicated the Town of IVlahpee <br /> wi11 not plow the roads as they presently exist the natter of public <br /> safety. flowing a goad in disrepair would also damage DPW equipment. <br /> During IVIS. L urent's tenure as the DPW Director, the Town has not <br /> conducted repairs in this manner to private goads. <br /> It was also explained that in 1988, the conversion of streets from public to <br /> private began. Currently,there is 72 miles of Town-owned public roads. <br /> There is approximately 35 miles of private roads that could be considered <br /> for conversion in future years through a resident-initiated petition or via <br /> the bylaw whereby the Board of Selectmen with the assistance of the <br /> DPW Director annually review and designate private ways for <br /> consideration of conversion to public ways. <br />