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DATE: April 1 , 1996 <br /> 1 TSE MATTER OF EXECUTIVE SESSION <br /> H <br /> It is MOVED by Selectman Costa <br /> that this governmental body hold an executive session. <br /> A Roll was called (see attached roll call) . <br /> =l <br /> The Clerk of this execut-ive session is designated as Selectman Din-izio <br /> A Quorum being present and a Majority having voted to go into <br /> executive session, the chair states that: <br /> 1. This meeting convened in open session and <br /> a. Notice and posting of the meeting was given or Ex <br /> b. The meeting is as -emergency meeting <br /> 2. After the executive session the meeting } <br /> a. ' 'Will-reconvene <br /> b. Will not reconvene (X } <br /> 3. The purpose or purposes of this executive session are : <br /> A. To deliberate j1pon matters involving individuals where <br /> the individuals involved have been notified in writing <br /> of the meeting .and have not requested an open meeting, <br /> and regarding: <br /> 1. The reputation and character of the individual C <br /> ,.' 2. The physicsl condition and mental health of the } <br /> individual <br /> 3. The discipline or dismissal of a public officer, <br /> employee , staff member or individual <br /> 4. A Complaint cZ charge brought against a public <br /> officer, employee, staff member or individual } <br /> B. To deliberate upon matters which, if done in open <br /> meeting could detrimentally affect the position of the <br /> .City , and regarding: <br /> 1. Collective Bargaining <br /> 2. Strategy with respect to Collective Bargaining ( x } <br /> 3. Strategy with respect to litigation <br /> .4. The purchase, exchange, lease or value of real } <br /> property <br /> C. To deliberate matters regarding: } <br /> 1. The deployment of security person <br /> AeZ devices } <br /> 2. Allegations of criminal misconduct <br /> D. To comply with t,-,e provisions of a General Law or special <br /> law or Federal Grant in 'Aid requirement , the specific law <br /> being <br /> 4 . All of the foregoing is hereby made part of the official minutes of <br /> this body ' <br />