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3 <br /> Board of Selectmen <br /> Minutes <br /> August 25, 2014 <br /> APPOINTMENTS &HEARINGS: <br /> Public Comment: <br /> William Buss, a former volunteer of the Mashpee Public Library related concern with <br /> respect to the job description for the proposed Circulation Assistant to the Library. Mr. <br /> Buss indicated the Town needs to work In collaboration with the Library to develop a job <br /> description specific to this position. In his opi�on,the duties of a Circulation Assistant <br /> are considered mundane, and the task should be handled by volunteers. It is Mr. Buss' <br /> recommendation to place the hiring on hold to determine the need for ars addition staff <br /> person. <br /> he Laurent <br /> Catherine QLcat River Boat Ramer te: <br /> DPW Director, Catherine Laurent met with the Selectmen to update the Board on the <br /> Great Ricer Boat Ramp reconstruction project which fficludes the enlargement of the <br /> existing parking lot and road-area with improved drainage. A proposed engineering <br /> chernatic was presented at the meeting to depict existing site conditions. <br /> The $650,000 improvement project was funded through a Community Preservation Act <br /> appropriation approved by the voters at the October 2013 Town Meeting. CPA funding <br /> vall allow for the complete reconstruction of the existing ramp and landing,the pier and <br /> attached floating docks. The new pier/dock will include a small Viewing platform, and be <br /> completely handicap accessible with handicap parking closest to the ramp area. <br /> The, dock and its attachments are proposed to be constructed of durable marine grade <br /> aluminum. The lightweight alummurn can be easily removed in the off season. The } <br /> concrete ramp will be constructed i ' longer th=the existing ramp, and the expansion of <br /> the parking lot will acconunodate up to twenty vehicles. New drainage structures are <br /> proposed in the grass islands to prevent discharge into the waterways and to separate <br /> pedestrians from vehicle traffic. <br /> Ms. Laurent indicated she is scheduled to meet with the Conservation Comnussion this <br /> geek to review the project proposal. With their approval,and the filing of an amended <br /> Chapter 91 permit, construction is anticipated to commence alter Labor Day. weather <br /> permitting,the project is expected to be completed in 30 to 60 days. It was explained the <br /> work irolin concrete and asphalt needs to be completed before the onset of cold <br /> weather. <br />