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[Agenda topic 31 Boat Launch Regulations <br /> 4• -F r --- . ._ <br /> Discussion: Heidi from Recreation, supplied the committee with current rules, 2012 attendant notes, and <br /> reply from Fishing and Boating access to her email, as she was unable to attend our meeting. Barbara <br /> compared the 2012 rules with the prior ones issued in 2007. There were minor charges. The parking lot, <br /> which was repaved last summer now, has 48 spaces, an increase of 4 spaces, and there was an increase <br /> from 2 to 4 events that could be held on weekends and holidays during months other than July and <br /> August. It was also emphasized that the fee, which increased for residents, was for the use of the ramp. <br /> An EPO regulation is a condition of the permit and was moved to the NOTE section from the Regulations. <br /> As there was no date on the Regulations, our committee was unsure if they had been approved by the <br /> Selectmen yet. <br /> Conclusions: There are minor changes in the neer boating regulations. Barbara will check with Heidi to <br /> see if the Town has approved then. <br /> [Agenda topic 412012 Dotes by.:,attendants at State <br /> ,t .haunch area � <br /> Discussion: It was of interest to the committee that many of the problems noted by the ramp attendants <br /> were ones this comrruttee noted and discussed with the harbormaster last fall. These Problems were <br /> discussed at a meeting last fall with Heidi, Chief Collins, and Catherine Laurent of DPW and Joyce <br /> Mason. The attendants noted the need to increase police and harbormaster presence,.especially.on Sunday. <br /> They stated that boat sizes should be limited and that many boats were coming from the salt water to rinse <br /> off. Problems with jet skiers continue. Increased signage is needed and suggestions were made. Examples <br /> include fees, beach not for swimming Speed limits,parking for boats with trailers only etc. They also <br /> noted that trash cans and porta potties available year round. In her email, Heidi questioned if <br /> including our comnu4ttee Mnight be of interest if a Town meeting were held with MA Fishing and Boating <br /> o discuss these problems. The committee is 'n favor of a meeting. <br /> Conclusions. The ramp attendants noted many of the same problems as our committee members who live <br /> on the late. <br /> n r [Agenda topic .Selectmen's Meeting <br /> Discussion: Andrew Gottlieb shared the committee's priorities for this the Selectmen's meeting <br /> on January 7th. See attached Discussion was held on Wayne Taylor's suggestion that waterways <br /> Commission Might be able to help clean sand from the Mil Pond area near the herring run where it has <br /> collected. Bill Taylor is a member of Waterways and he was unsure what that conmiittee could do as they <br /> had no equipment. J <br /> Conclusions: Andrew discussed MWLMC's concerns with the Town on January 7 '. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 P.M4 <br /> DOTE: our February meeting is cancelled. Our next meeting is on March I 4,the third Tuesday of March. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B.Nichols <br />