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8/15/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
8/15/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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9/7/2018 10:16:16 AM
Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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-Minimum and maximum commercial square footage allowed in each Character District <br /> -Estimate of wastewater effluent flow, capacity of wastewater facility, estimate of total nitrogen <br /> loading <br /> -Tour of the wastewater facility <br /> -Environmental analysis of the proposed density build-out <br /> -Plan to protect Mashpee River, Quashnet River, Waquoit Bay <br /> Storm water management plan <br /> -Archeological sensitivity study, incorporating study by PAL <br /> -Blank visioning map with roads, but no character districts assigned <br /> -Share more contemporary design ideas <br /> -Traffic impacts and plans to mitigate <br /> -Sustainability capacity of Mashpee, particularly in respect to drinking water <br /> Mr. Rowley expressed concern about the draft as a zoning change, though understood incorporating <br /> FBC and its general intent, including issues suggested by the Board, as part of the requirements. Mr. <br /> Rowley felt that the project should be subject to a specific Special Permit so that the Board could <br /> deliberate on specifics requested by any applicant, not just Mashpee Commons, The Chair confirmed <br /> that she did not want spot zoning. <br /> Mr. Kooharian suggested that, with FBC, the Planning Board could determine the location of <br /> Character Districts, rather than wait for Mashpee Commons to decide. Mr. Balzarini pointed out that it <br /> could not be done without a road layout. Mr. Kooharian did not wish to fight lot by lot. Mr. Lehrer <br /> noted that Mashpee Commons would need to be compliant with the Subdivision Control Law and <br /> Chapter 40A and supported Mr. Kooharian's idea of give and take with Mashpee Commons. Mr. <br /> Rowley noted that Mashpee Commons' Chapter 40B request incorporated a plan locating the streets <br /> with details of the roads, similar to what was included in this draft.. Mr. Lehrer would scan the 40B <br /> request to be shared with the Board. Mr. Lehrer suggested that the final document from Mashpee <br /> Commons would likely include more detailed schematics. It was Mr. Rowley's opinion that the detail <br /> should not be in a Bylaw, but should be part of the application for review, adding that the goals of <br /> Mashpee Commons could change in 5 or 10 years. Changes to the Bylaw would need to be made at <br /> Town Meeting, Mr. Lehrer suggested that the benefit of FBC would establish a character and visual <br /> aesthetic that the Town would want to see in 100 years. Mr. Rowley suggested that, although <br /> fundamentals such as Cape Cod-style could be included, images should not be part of the Zoning <br /> Bylaw. Mr. Lehrer inquired why it could not include images. Mr. Rowley cautioned against including <br /> specifics. Mr. Kooharian suggested that it was unclear what image of the past would be used and <br /> suggested his preference to allow architects freedom to design something new and interesting, rather <br /> than a mythical past. Mr. Weeden stated that he was less concerned with design and more concerned <br /> with the density and how changes would impact Mashpee. Mr. Kooharian inquired how much more <br /> density the Town could sustain, as it would relate to density. Mr. Weeden pointed out that the Cape's <br /> aquifer was impacted by nitrogen loads, affected by population density. Mr. Rowley agreed that it <br /> would be a major consideration. <br /> Mr. Balzarini stated that, in speaking with residents, they have emphasized their relocation to Mashpee <br /> due to its unique, green character, and expressed concern regarding the potential for 5-story buildings. <br /> Mr. Evans stated that not every building would be 5-stories, which would likely be mixed-use or civic <br /> buildings. Mr. Balzarini emphasized that it was more reason for needing a master plan. Mr. <br /> Kooharian suggested that the Planning Board could be more in control of the project by proposing <br /> what they would like to see. Mr. Weeden expressed concern about 4-5-story parking garages and <br /> build-out that would not allow for local parking, Mr. Lehrer pointed out that surface parking created <br /> 2 <br />
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