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Schedule Public Hearing for Proposed Bylaws-The Chair stated that she wished to schedule <br /> a public hearing for consideration of the proposed Bylaws. Mr. Lehrer responded that a Public <br /> Hearing could not be scheduled until the"Warrant had been closed by the Board of Selectmen, adding <br /> that the Selectmen had two weeks to notify the Planning Department, The Chair responded that the <br /> Selectmen had 14 days to submit anything that they received, but it was Mr. Lehrer's understanding <br /> from Tom Fudala that they had not met that deadline in 33 years. There was discussion whether it was <br /> legally allowable to schedule a Hearing in advance of the Warrant officially being closed. The Chair <br /> expressed her concern that it may leave just one night to schedule a Public Hearing, expressing specific <br /> concern about Raze and Replace. The Chair referenced Chapter 40A, Section 5, stating that the <br /> deadline commenced from receipt of the Zoning Bylaw by the Selectmen. Attorney Kathleen <br /> Connolly, serving as Town Counsel, confirmed that the Planning Board could schedule the Public <br /> Hearings, and not have a Public Hearing if the Warrant was not released. Hearings would be <br /> scheduled for the first and third meetings of September. Raze and Replace was submitted by the Board <br /> of Appeals. Mr. Lehrer indicated that, due to the constraints of paper deadlines, the Board would need <br /> to schedule the hearings for the second meeting of September and first meeting of October. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to schedule a Public Dearing for any Zoning Articles <br /> submitted to the Planning Board for the 19'x'of September at 7:10 p.m. Mr. Kooharian seconded <br /> the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to schedule, on October 311, a Public Hearing at 7:10 <br /> p.m. for any Zoning Articles submitted. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. Allvoted <br /> unanimously. <br /> The Chair inquired about the expected Zoning Articles and Mr. Lehrer responded that it would include <br /> the Mixed Use Planned Development Bylaw, Board of Appeals Raze and Replace and Light Industrial <br /> Overlay District. ADU would be withdrawn. <br /> The Chair inquired how Light Industrial Overlay District was placed on the Warrant. Mr. Lehrer had <br /> deferred to the Town Manager and Town Counsel and read for the record a legal determination from <br /> Town Counsel, Pat Costello. The statement indicated that the Town Planner was supervised by the <br /> Town Manager, reporting to and with duties and responsibilities established by the Town Manager and <br /> would work with other offices, Boards and agencies. The Board of Selectmen had statutory authority <br /> under Section 5 of 40A to initiate Zoning Bylaw Amendments and the Town Planner would be acting <br /> within the scope of his office by submitting proposed Zoning Amendments to the Board of Selectmen, <br /> through the Town Manager or with the Town Manager's consent, without approval from the Planning <br /> Board, despite past practices. <br /> The Chair responded that the Town Manager was not listed as someone who could submit Zoning <br /> Bylaw changes in Section 5 of Chapter 40A. The Town could set a different method in the Municipal <br /> Charter, but the Chair has not found where it authorized someone to initiate a Zoning Bylaw change. <br /> Ms. Connolly responded that towns could, through Home Rule Authority, adopt more stringent Zoning <br /> Bylaws. Section 2.7 of the Charter allowed all subjects to be acted on by Town Meeting and shall be <br /> placed on Warrants issued by the Board of Selectmen, with the exception of Petition Articles. The <br /> Chair read Section 2.7 and asked for further clarification. Ms. Connolly noted that custom and <br /> practices vary, and although it was common practice for the Planner or Planning Board to submit <br /> Zoning Articles, the Board of,Selectmen determined which Articles would be added to the Warrant, <br /> 4 <br />