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be set but Mr. Lehrer pointed out that he had many responsibilities so it would be best to address it as <br /> the need came up. The Chair suggested the first meeting in April to address potential zoning changes. <br /> Mr. Lehrer responded that he would work within any regulations defined by the Planning Board, <br /> within the Board's authority. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion that the Planning Board requires the Town Planner, by <br /> April I41, to report on any Bylaw Amendments that are in process. Mr. Kooharian seconded the <br /> motion. All doted unanimously. <br /> It was clarified that the April 1 deadline was a review of proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> None at this time <br /> ®LD BUSINESS <br /> DRI Referral to Cape Cod Commission,Wireless Service Facility Red Brook Road-Mr. <br /> Lehrer confirmed that the date had been set for the first substantive hearing for regulatory review for <br /> the wireless facility at 101 Red Brook Road on September 5"', 5:30 p.m., at the library. Additionally, a <br /> report had been submitted from the Cape Cod Commission's wireless consultant, which Mr. Lehrer <br /> would submit to the Planning Board tomorrow. Mr. Lehrer would be drafting a report from his <br /> department regarding its compliance with the Local Comprehensive Plan and Town Regulations. A <br /> pro forma meeting, with no decision making, was to occur on August 20"'. Mr. Lehrer could send <br /> additional information regarding the pro forma meeting. Chairman Waygan requested that the <br /> information about September St"be forwarded to the abutters and, although not legally required, Mr. <br /> Lehrer confirmed that he would do so, adding that the Cape Cod Commission would also be notifying <br /> abutters. Mr. Lehrer added that abutters were notified about the August 20t"meeting and the Chair <br /> advised that Mr. Lehrer could let abutters know that the September 51' notification would be the last <br /> they would receive. <br /> BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE UPDATES <br /> Planning Staff Update <br /> ®ckway highlands-Mr. Lehrer read for the record a letter received from Ernest <br /> Virgilio, resident of Blue Castle Drive. A copy of the letter was provided to Ms. Connolly. In the <br /> letter, Mr. Virgilio again expressed his frustration regarding the roadwork at Blue Castle Drive and <br /> non-compliant drainage issues and asked that the Planning Board work toward making the necessary <br /> corrections. Mr. Virgilio also attached a drawing of the roadway and drainage structure, for which Mr. <br /> Lehrer was further reviewing for the source of the image. Mr. Lehrer also spoke with developer <br /> Jacques Morin regarding the intent of the Planning Board to study the issue further, pending the <br /> recommendations of Town Counsel and possible amendments to the Special Permit, Mr. Morin had <br /> stated that Bevilacqua, subcontractor for installation of drainage construction, was not appearing on <br /> site so Mr. Morin was seeking a new contractor to complete the work. Mr. Lehrer notified Mr. Morin <br /> that it was critical for the work to be completed and that the Board would be exploring the issue to <br /> their fullest authority. <br /> The Chair referenced correspondence received from Town Counsel and Mr. Rowley, Mr, Rowley <br /> reported that the sketch provided by Mr. Virgilio was an early image completed by Cape& Islands, <br /> and not what was ultimately approved. Although not completed, the existing drainage was in <br /> compliance with what was approved by the Board. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he would clarify with <br /> 6 <br />