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Full Call Vote: In favor—Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos, Mrs.Oliver, Mr. Myers and Mr. <br /> McGee; opposed—none. <br /> 1111. Business Report <br /> 7.1 FY15 Budget Monthly Report <br /> Mr. Funk reviewed the FY15 budget with the Committee. <br /> 7.2 Status of Revolving Accounts and Lunch Program <br /> Mr. Funk updated the Committee on revolving accounts and the lunch program. <br /> 7. `Budget Transfer##1 -001 <br /> Mr. Myers made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Oliver to approve budget transfer <br /> ##1 -001 for$56,000. <br /> Roll Call Hots: In favor—Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos, Mrs. Oliver, Mr. Myers and <br /> Mr. McGee; opposed—none. <br /> 11111. Chapter ll,Section 37H -Kevin Turner <br /> *Approval of Handbook Language for 37H- <br /> Mrs. Oliver made a motion seconded by Mr. Santos to approve changes to the <br /> handbook relative to 371-1-3/4. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos, Mrs. Oliver, Mr. Myers and Mr. McGee; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> Ix. *MHS Handbook Changes—Kevin Turner <br /> Mrs. Oliver made a motion, seconded by Mr. Santos to approve all changes to the <br /> handbook as outlined in the draft. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor—Mr. Gorman,, Mr. Santos, Mrs. Oliver, Mr. Myers and Mr. McGee; <br /> opposed--none. <br /> C. Procedure for Warrant Signatures <br /> The Committee has agreed to maintain the present system for warrant signatures. <br /> 1. School Committee Self-Evaluation <br /> Mr. McGee collected the self-evaluation forms from the Committee members. <br /> DCII. *Adjournment <br /> Mr. Myers made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Oliver to adjourn the meeting @8:35pm. <br /> Roll Call Hots: In favor—Mr. Gorman, Mr. Santos, Mrs. Oliver, Mr. Myers and Mr. McGee; <br /> opposed—none. <br /> Re ectfully submitted by, <br /> Catherine E. Loyko <br /> School Committee Recording Secretary <br /> 2 <br />