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(Workshop Final Draft Plan, nt'd <br /> - Direct Environmental Mitigation Considerations <br /> - Land management Strategies <br /> - Next Steps: needs for final recommended plan; need a-funding mechanism; r mend d pari <br /> drafting; regulatory review; implementation <br /> Jeff Gregg reiterated again that chapters 8 and 7 are the most important. Chapter 6 focuses on the <br /> framework of the recommended plan and its components. Chapter 7 contains table of contents of <br /> what the recommended plan does. These two chapters will provide a vision of where we were and <br /> where we are going. ,Jeff Gregg stated that he will put the draft report on the website. <br /> Torn Fudala stated that he has done a markup of Jeff Gregg final draft. Paul Gbll is also doing a <br /> review. ir. Fudala requested inclusion of more complete information regarding Scenario 3, a 26- <br /> cluster <br /> - <br /> lu t r scenario from Lombardo Associates. Mr. Lombardo agreed to provide information for that <br /> scenario to .teff Gregg. <br /> Ed Ei hn r, SMaST, stated that he has responded to commentsfrom DEP and is waiting for response <br /> from thea regarding the 1 aqui it Bay MEP Report. Mr. Ei hrnan suggested that a follow-up call t <br /> DEP would be helpful. <br /> Joe Lyons corrm nt d that the one thing out of our control is the mission to address the nitrogen in <br /> our environment at buildout. Buildout is a reasonable percentage of the total problem. Torte Fudala <br /> stated that the 19existing conditions" number is from 2001, and everything since that date is part of that <br /> buildout growth. There is a % increase in population from 2001 projected at buildout.. Tom Fudala <br /> clarified that the buildout analysis for Mash pee was based on existing approved projects that haven't <br /> fret been completed, such as Southport and Mashpee Commons, as well as known proposed projects <br /> and current applicable zoning on other vacant properties. Torn Fudala added that a limit on the <br /> number of building permits allowed to be issued in any year in Mashpee was set in 1987, at 2Y2% of <br /> existing housing knits. <br /> Focus for Next Meeting: Workshop Formation <br /> Jeff Gregg stated that he will be going through all the comments submitted, and will forward his ideas <br /> to Tom Fudala. Jeff Gregg stated that he will be meeting with Rick York and Paul G b ll on the <br /> workshop content. Torn Fudala requested a list of the topics to be addressed at the next renting. <br /> Jeff Gregg discussed doing a one-page informational flyer on the plan for distribution to the <br /> community about the project. Joe Lyons and Beverly Cane agreed to work with GHD on development <br /> f an appropriate, succinct flyer. <br /> Kiosk Removal from the Town Doll Lobby. <br /> The Town management has removed the Kiosk from the Town lobby in an effort to "cream up the <br /> lobby" Suggestions were requested for another suitable location for the Kiosk. <br /> k. <br /> VOUCHER SIGNATURE-E- F E UESTS <br /> Torn Fudala reported receipt of two vouchers for approval by the Commission: GHD Billing in the <br /> amount of 12,033; and Lombardo Associates billing for$595.00. <br /> Joe Lyons made a motion that the Commission approve the payment of these two vouchers. Glenn <br /> Santos seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> 2 <br />