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too tdF <br /> - of Mash e <br /> f' <br /> Town <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North- <br /> Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br /> BOARD OF SEWER C <br /> 4 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall —Waquoit Meeting Room 1 <br /> Thursday, May 15, 201 <br /> Board Members Present: Members Absent: Also Present: <br /> Tom Fudala, Chairman Mark Gurnee, Clerk .teff Gregg, GHD <br /> Joe Lyons, Vice Chairman Torn Burris Paul G b ll, Sewer Commission <br /> Glean Santos Administrator <br /> Rick York, Shellfish Constable <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chairman Torn Fudala. called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. <br /> REVIEW F MINUTES <br /> April 3, 2014 <br /> Aper 3 , 2014 <br /> Approval of both sets of minutes was continued to the next meeting where a quorum is present of <br /> committee members who were present at those meetings. <br /> PRESENTATION OF DRAFT FINAL PLAN BY GH —,teff Gregg <br /> Jeff Gregg introduced himself to the meeting, and proceeded to present the revised draft final plan <br /> that included recommended changes received from the 4/30/2014 Board of Commissioners <br /> meeting. <br /> Tone Fudala requested additional adjustments to the proposed Phasing Maps. Regarding the <br /> Estimated Capital Costs, Jeff Gregg will adjust the total amounts to add up correctly. <br /> .Jeff Gregg stated that he has reviewed the notes received from Mark Gurnee regarding further <br /> evaluation of section 4. Mr. Gregg will go through Mr. Gurrnee's comments and make <br /> recommended adjustments to the draft. <br /> The final plan is due by the end of June 2014. If the shellfish grant money cores through prior t <br /> the end of June, information can be added to address the grant money. <br /> r <br /> Torn Fudala asked for a vote to submit the draft final plan for review by The Cape Cod Commission <br /> subject to endorsement by-the Board of s l tm n. <br /> Joe Lyons made a motion that the severer Commission accept the draft proposal as it now exists, <br /> subject to any minor modifications as necessary, and that Torn Fudala review it with the Board of <br /> Selectmen prior to submission to the state federal authorities for their endorsement, keeping in <br /> mind that this is a draft and we reed their review in order to finalize it. Glean Santos seconded the <br /> motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br />