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' Comments on the Executive Summary <br /> As there were no comments submitted by the Committee on the Executive Surr mary, Joe Lyons <br /> made a motion to have the plan submitted by June 27, 2014, confirming the Board of Selectmen <br /> and the Sewer Commission appr val of the plan. Torn Burns seconded the motion. Roll Call <br /> Vote: Tom Burrs, yes; Glenn Santos, yes; Torn Fudala: Yes} Joe Lyons, yes. <br /> The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> Tom Fudala commented on Brian Howes water quality sampling group presentation Tuesday night <br /> n the Quashnet Fiver and Mo nakis Estuary. Brian Howes made comments about there being a <br /> restriction in the flow at Moonakis Fiver, and stated that someone needs to get going on looking at <br /> the bridges and thinks there may be some inlet widening that might be doable in Falmouth, and <br /> this is something that has never been discussed. Torn Fudala recommended that a paragraph be <br /> added to the Executive Surr mary asking that Falmouth do a study on the Moonakis Estuary <br /> restriction flow. <br /> Joe Lyons made a motion to modify his previous motion to state that the Sewer Commission <br /> submit the plan as written by a deadline f June 27 ,with the addition of a paragraph <br /> recommending that Falmouth do a study on the M onakis estuary restriction flow. Glenn Santos <br /> seconded the motion. Torn Fudala will request the paragraph from Brian Howes for submission t <br /> Jeff Gregg prior to June 27th. Doll CallVote: Torn Burns, yes; .doe Lyons, yes. Tom Fudala, yes, <br /> Glenn Santos, yes. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> * <br /> Vouchers <br /> GHD $900. <br /> Joe Lyons made a motion that the voucher submitted by GHD for 900 be approved for payment. <br /> Tom Burns seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. <br /> -Water Environment Federation Dues $139.00. <br /> Tom Fudala stated that only $123.00 was appropriated by the Town for the FY1 5 budget, but that <br /> the Town Accountant thought she might be able to find the money to corer the difference. <br /> Glenn Santos made a motion t approve 123.00 in payment for the Water Environment <br /> Federation Dues and sign the warrant. Torn Burns seconded the motion. The motion was <br /> unanimously approved. <br /> ' <br /> Waste Water Treatment Plants <br /> Tom Fudala reported that the Discharge Permit was approved by DEP for the proposed <br /> wastewater treatment plant for Ilashpee Village. <br /> NEXT MEETING <br /> The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday, July 17, 2014, t 7:00 PM, l lashpee Town Hall, <br /> Ockway Meeting room 1. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> As thea was no further business, Glenn Santos made a motion that the meeting be adjourned at <br /> 7:45 PM.. Jae Lyons seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved, <br /> Respectfully s bmitt <br /> Ina Shlbhrr <br /> Recording Secretary <br /> 2 <br />