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need to strategize on gaining approval from M PA to go ahead with the plan including conditions , <br /> that can be met as we move forward. Jeff Gregg and Tom Fudala agreed on wring for a draft <br /> plan completion date of January 2015. <br /> Torn Fudala reiterated his feeling that small group meetings with New seabury, 1 ill wbend, and <br /> l l shpee Commons need to be arranged in the next couple of months. What is needed is a letter <br /> from these groups indicating that they are working together with the Watershed Nitrogen <br /> Management Plan III IP . <br /> VOUCHED SIGNATURES <br /> None. <br /> INTERMUNICIPAL ISSUES <br /> * Paul G bell reported that Wright Pierce: an engineering firm, proposed a plan for the Base. <br /> They are looking at a potential mega regional treatment plan with the Cape Cod Commission <br /> involved as the largest of four options. <br /> * 208 Plan. Tom Fudala reported on the Upper Cape Meeting held on October 21, 2014. By the <br /> end of June, per Paul I ied wie l i, they will decide wh 'will be the responsible entity for dealing <br /> with the nitrogen issue for each watershed, i.e., Waquoit Bay and Popponesset Bary, a whole <br /> different set of entities outside of the town and the gaups we have working right now. <br /> Torte Fudala reported that he had contacted Eric Turkingt n to set up a meeting. Mr. Turkingt n <br /> asked when the next Sewer Commission meeting was scheduled. Mr. Fudala has not received a <br /> response from Mr. Turkingt n, and will try to contact hirci again. <br /> NEXT MEETING <br /> The next meeting of the Sewer Commission was scheduled for Thursday, Dec.. 1 , 2014, at 7:00 <br /> Phil, 11ashpee Tern Hall. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Glenn Santos made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Joe Lyons seconded the motion. <br /> II Call Vote: Tom Burns: yes; hark Gurnee, yes; Joe Lyons: yes; Glenn Santos, yes; Tom <br /> Fudala, yes. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PNM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> s <br /> Ina G. s hlobohm <br /> Recording secretary <br />