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working with bases in Massachusetts. Mr. Goddard noted that there were a number of advertising <br />opportunities he could share with the Board. The “team effort” concept will be incorporated into <br />the RFP to broaden the field of eligible companies. Mr. Jack inquired about the anti-politicking <br />clause and Ms. Daley responded that the RFP was a standard county contract. <br /> <br />Ms. Rooney suggested changing or removing the timeline listed under the Comparative Criteria and <br />inquired about adding other criteria. Mr. Goddard recommended familiarity with Massachusetts’ <br />goals, such as the State Solid Waste Master Plan. In addition, Mr. Goddard recommended <br />proposers submit an organizational chart highlighting the lead for a team effort. <br /> <br />Regarding the background, Mr. Tilton pointed out that 40,000 tons was the MassCoastal cutoff, not <br />the capacity, but that the UCRTS was permitted for 89,100 tons. Ms. Daley recommended <br />eliminating the information. Mr. Tilton also recommended that Task 1 Data Collection and Review <br />should include meeting with government agencies or other entities, as necessary, to identify <br />limitations. Ms. Daley recommended specifying meetings on Cape so that they would be <br />responsible for their own transportation costs. Mr. Goddard inquired whether the Base was self- <br />contained, precluding the consultant from having to meet with various towns’ boards or committees. <br />The Chair referenced Task 6 where regulatory pathways would be addressed. The Chair agreed <br />with Mr. Tilton but recommended that it be coordinated through the Cape Cod Commission. Mr. <br />Goddard inquired about what would be included with the RFP package, such as a flash drive with <br />information. Ms. Daley recommended that the UCRTS provide relevant and appropriate documents <br />that could be attached to the RFP, such as the site plan, lease area and DEP permit. Mr. Segura will <br />acquire the map and the Chair will forward the permit. <br /> <br />There was discussion regarding the interviewing process. Mr. Tilton suggested that they would like <br />it as an option in case two proposers were being closely considered. The Cape Cod Commission <br />will serve as the point of contact for any questions, forwarding information to Chairman Laurent. <br />Mr. Jack cautioned specificity in the RFP which could limit innovation and suggested a provision <br />that may allow greater creativity. Ms. Rooney will add the wording “innovative and creative uses <br />encouraged” to Task 5. The final draft will be forwarded to the Board. <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br />Discussion <br />It was reported that MassCoastal had been storing passenger cars on the spare track at the Base, but <br />had not acquired permission to do so. The Chair stated that it was the UCRTS’ leased property and <br />recommended a notice be sent stating that the cars must be removed. Mr. Goddard referenced State <br />Police tractor trailer training that occurred at the site and inquired if the agreement would be <br />impacted by a future changed use of the property. Mr. Jack indicated that the State Police had been <br />utilizing the site for a number of years though it was noted that there was no formal agreement. It <br />was suggested that the State Police be contacted and the Chair agreed to reach out to them. <br /> <br />Mr. Elliott noted that there was a shortage of rail cars on July 4, at the fault of SEMASS who did <br />not tip the cars due to staff elimination. Sandwich and Mashpee sent their trailers direct. Loaded <br />cars sat at SEMASS Friday until Monday afternoon. The Chair will follow up with SEMASS and <br />add further discussion at the next meeting. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />