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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee <br /> August 2 ,2014 <br /> 7:30 PM <br /> Mashpee'Town Hall <br /> Meeting called by Debi McManus, Chairman <br /> Type of meeting. Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Barbara Nichols, Linda Smith, Andrew Gottlieb, <br /> Selectman Liaison <br /> Guests: fon Mae Donald, Paul McGrath, Mary Bradbury <br /> The minutes of the Jure 26, 2014 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Debi McManus <br /> and second by Brian Mauro. <br /> Agend.'a <br /> topics <br /> r <br /> [Agenda topic 11 fake level/River outflow, Beach <br /> Water quality, Richardson Pondweed <br /> Discussion: Barbara took the lake measurements twice each month. Both.duly readings were 55.2 t. <br /> above sea level with just over 10 taches of water going over the board closest to the lake. The August <br /> readings were 55.2 and 55.1 ft. above sea level with 10 inches of water going over the board. The water in <br /> the stream by the stairs was 6 and 8 inches in July and dor to 4.5 inches in August. Thre-has been.little <br /> Precipitation. <br /> Water testing for swim safety at Attaquin Beach and Camp Farley has been ongoing each week by <br /> Barnstable County tet. of Health and Environment. Camp Farleypassed e c tim , but Att aquin Beach <br /> wiled to pass on July 17#h,but was GR on the retest the next day. <br /> Barbara noted that Richardson Pondweed has spread to the east side of Mashpee Pond, and that she had <br />} floating in the water yesterday. Lm* da noted lame amounts on the west side near the arca she lives. <br /> Conclusions: Bale level is slowly dropping. Richardson Pondveed is sreadix" . ]Vater quality testing OK <br /> [Agenda topic 21 Lowell Molly Reservation <br /> x <br /> Discussion: Diane Lang was unable to attend the meeting, but seat motes to Barbara. Although a fever <br /> boaters were non-compliant with the rules, there were no major incidents at Lowell Tiolly since the swim <br /> area was marled off May 23rd. There teras an increase in TTOR membership. Diane thanked this <br /> committee, the Mashpee Harbonnast r, and Town Tec Dept. for their support. Mary Bradbury reported <br /> that the changes instituted this year worked out well. Although she thought there was a decline in users <br /> clue to the beach closure, the staggered attendant hours covered fees. Risk management brought changes <br /> as to hove the money was handled. The harbormaster was called for one incident where an over- sued boat <br /> got stuck. Boaters received an orange sticker after reading the boating regulations on the First launch and <br /> were able to just shore this sticker to the attendants after that. Where was less reckless activity on the lake. <br /> Conclusions: TTGR and Town Recreation Department were pleased with results of changes made this <br /> summer. <br />