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[Agenda topic 3] Lowell Holly reservation <br /> Discussion: Diane Lang summarized ed her summer at Lowell Holly. Membership at TTOR had greatly <br /> 1 <br /> increased and the beach was starting to recover after the past few years of abuse. She had received <br /> permissi6n from Cons. Com. for permission to manage the brush growth in the area. The swim buoys <br /> have recently been.removed and signs would be taken down next week. The beach closure to motorized <br /> boats had definitely improved the situation on the late. <br /> Ideas for management next year were briefly discussed: a. beep the beach elosed.b. put the swim buoys in <br /> after the first weekend in July (Steve Mone) c. permit maybe 30 families to use the beach. <br /> Diane felt more of the rules should be posted. Donald MacDonald felt that management of the ramp was <br /> ley. <br /> Conclusions: Closure of the beach at Lovell Dolly has been beneficial in many ways. <br /> [Agenda topic ]F ll Ne sletter <br /> Discussion: Barbara brought an article summarizing the beach water testing and also one on Bill Taylor's <br /> resignation. Other suggested ideas were information about the differentlams in the lake and which were <br /> invasive. Also, infonnation about what invasive species right be transferred on boats going from late to <br /> lake or the salt water to fresh water. <br /> M <br /> Conclusions: Newsletter articles were discussed, and now need to be written. <br /> [Agenda topic ] Bill Taylor's Resignation 4 <br /> Discussion: Bill Taylor called Barbara to let the committee know that he was resigning from the- <br /> committee due to poor health. Barbara.notified Carol D n cn in the Town Manager's office and also let <br /> her know that Donald MacDonald was interested in joining. The open position will be advertised in the <br /> 1 ashpee Enterprise this Friday arra added to the selectmen's agenda in the near future. A letter was <br /> signed by members in attendance for fill Taylor thanking hind for his 18 years of service to this <br /> conunittce. <br /> Conclusions: Bill Taylor has resigned and the committee has a vacancy. <br /> The meeting was adjouNx ed at 8:16 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B.Nichols <br /> z 4 <br />