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[Agenda topic 31 Fall Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Barbara presented the oe vsIetter'as written so far. Another page remains. Don suggested <br /> writing about current topics under discussion and suggested Barbara write about the late level fluctuations <br /> this year. we plan to send the newsletter to Joyce Mason for her approval soon. Andrew mentioned that <br /> Joyce would fund the mailing of newsletters twice a year. ease approved, Andrew will tale the master <br /> copy to the Town for printing. <br /> Conclusions: The Fall newsletter is nearly finished. <br /> [Agenda topic 41 Boat parade 4 <br /> r <br /> Discussion: Andrew reported that Lina emailed Mary Bradbury in recreation about the idea of a boat <br /> parade, which was well received. They were discussing having a community picnic at Atta uin beach in <br /> conjunction. The police Dept. felt the timing of this event would be better held in August rather than July. <br /> Conclusions: The idea of a boat parade on the late is being explored. <br /> mom <br /> [Agenda topic ] 2015 fleeting Dates <br /> Discussion: The next meeting will be held January 22, 2015. Barbara has arranged for meeting rooms. <br /> There will be no meeting next month or in Feb. 2015. M ting slates have been emailed to members. <br /> Conclusions: Meeting slates have been arranged for 2015. <br /> The-meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br /> { x <br />