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{MW <br /> Tuesday,May 161995 # <br /> Cape' Codders,- i`i*me Tot e <br /> There have been many problems over the funds.But opponents are using some waste as a <br /> years as Upper Cape towns have sought cleanup reason for major cuts in the cleanup program. <br /> of pollution from the Massachusetts Military As eloquent and fact-filled as Congressman <br /> Reservation. But the one thing that has enabled tudds's testimony may be today, he will not be <br /> the four communities to grapple with the chal- able to save this funding single-handed. He will <br /> lenges and to keep their collective eye on the need strong backing from Senators Kennedy and <br /> process and the ultimate goal has been unity of Ke andarticularl Governor eve . <br /> Purpose. Individuals and ,officials within the what is especially needed its an outpouring of <br /> four towns w9rk together. There is strep h in letters ftom Pa —Codlers republicans, Dern- <br /> rl tubers,streng h in uni ocrats,and independents. <br /> �rwrr•wrr�i�.ir.irww�� rrrwni•�.�ni <br /> If this unity.were shattered, if something fait- 0 kgx decision-malcers are: <br /> ted these four,(communities against each others it The Honorable Robert L.Livingston - <br /> would be a sad day for residents and for Cape Chairman <br /> Cod. :i Mouse Appropriations Comm ittee <br /> This.-unity Could be severed quite easily if H218 The Capitol <br /> gongress does not al2prove the- mi lion t e Washington,DX.20515 <br /> n l Guard has requested to contain seven <br /> f <br /> of the_plumes of pollution. If funds are pct The esHonorab a °ung <br /> which of the sevenplumes will receive priority Chairman <br /> treatment? Subcommittee on National Security <br /> In unequivocal terms, Bourne residents told H140 The Capitol' <br /> the Senior Management Board Thursday- night washln n,D.C.20515 <br /> priority should be given to containing the LF-1 Pse Co Imessn need to hear ons ou- ` <br /> plume frons-the base landfill. Bourne Selectman r <br /> • . �i � s nds o.. Ca a Codders. They need to hear how <br /> Tom Barlow said. You need to make a priority these plumes are polluting.ei ht million gallons <br /> out of this plume." groundwater each day. They need to hear f <br /> Nlashpee Selectman Nancy Caffyn said wisely: about the hia incidence of cancer on the Upper <br /> ..Mur stren has---been sta o e er an e- e. In addition to the threat toublic health <br /> i <br /> rather unselfish in this." and the environment,Cape Cod.ders should try to � <br /> Former Mashpee resident Jamie Finney, who make these Republican lawmakers, from Louisi- <br /> was a member of the group that drew up the ana and. Florida, respectively, understand the # <br /> pians for sine ts# egus containment of baseven.,,..:���.ta_l effect this allut�on has on the I <br /> Plumes, predicted serious confrontations if this R nd on the value Of residential and ; <br /> ro osal is sutted by_funding cuts. "we'll be at roe . All this testimony s ou <br /> each other's throats in an instant, because there be 's personal and'�q compelling as each resi- <br /> ts no logical way,no clear way,to prioritize these dent is capable of making'' it. <br /> thing 1VIr. Kinney said. Its an impossible. Finally, Congressmen Livingston and Young <br /> task." need to be persuaded that unlike many other Su- <br /> Given the budget-cutting mindset.on-Capitol perfund hazardous waste sites, this site encom- f <br /> Hill, saving the $2W million required for simul- Nges four communities not.� <br /> •ust one. also un- <br /> taneous containment also appears an impossible like some other Superfund sites, thereijg de- <br /> task. It will be, if Cape Coddgrs throw in the n--ready to contain the pollution and <br /> toWel without a fight. cuttiLag fundswi.ILJRit innocent resident against <br /> The National Securit ro nationsub� innocent residents-Their only fault is that they <br /> committee is holding a hearing today On Defense live in communities that are! enduring adverse <br /> De artment ap ropriations, including t i 1.•0 impacts on public health and safe the econo- <br /> inion --�_--.--�----.- A A �' r <br /> the Clinton .� ministration is requesting my, and the environment, impacts that are the <br /> v�roninental cleanup. e mon e ori It of military abuses over decades. <br /> ntainxnent lan is part o this re nest`- _.. There is�a small window of opportunity for <br /> q AA tY <br /> Congressman Gerry Studds will es before Cape Codders to express themselves this week. <br /> the subcommittee, seekingto counter e ublitl residents have them a if the <br /> can ar me r A . ...112p�ei'CaR beside most to los <br /> uraents that environmental cleanup is a X50 million is cut and the most to gain if it can <br /> non-traditional defense spending and, as such <br /> nota be saved. ,gain, uin ers, <br /> priority. As with some other government strength in staying together spa this wrong can be <br /> Programs, it is easy to find examples of wasted righted. - <br /> A g <br />