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Draft 2- August 25, 1995 <br /> articles" to change the words, "The Board of Selectmen, who shall forthwith give <br /> notice at least fourteen (14) days before such meeting or election by posting a <br /> copy of said Warrant" to read, "The Board of Selectmen, who shall forthwith <br /> give notice at least thirty (30) days before such meeting or election by posting a <br /> copy of said Warrant" or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by Petitio n* <br /> Article 24. <br /> To see if the Town will vote to Amend the Mashpee Code, Section 40-5 "Warrant <br /> articles" by adding the following section: - <br /> "C) Any article which request a sum of money must state in the article the <br /> amount of money being requested.", or take any other action related thereto. <br /> Submitted by Petition <br /> Article 25. <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend the Mashpee Code, Section 40-5 "Warrant <br /> articles" by adding the following section: <br /> "D) Any article for a capital expenditure which requests one million dollars <br /> ($1,000,000) or more, regardless of the source of funds for the' appropriation, <br /> shall, upon passage of the article, be contingent upon the passage of a referendum <br /> question approving of the appropriation." or take any other action related <br /> thereto. <br /> Submitted by Petition <br /> Article 2 6. <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 37 of the Town Bylaws to add the <br /> following new Section 37 - 8.1: <br /> any municipal employee for whom a term of office is not specified by <br /> . these Bylaws or by Massa. :zusetts General Law shall not be subject to <br /> reappointment for any term of office." <br /> Page 10 <br />