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Page 4 <br /> line item. The Chief would review that situation. Ms, Sullivan <br /> asked about the special o l i ce office line item.# The request is <br /> for $16,400 but they have only expended $4,000 to date, The Chief <br /> answered that the Town has not had the opportunity to use them. <br /> Also some of that money is for training which has not been made <br /> available to the special officers to date, Ms, Sullivan asked if <br /> this also included matrons salaries. Yes this was included also. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked about an excess of $3 ,000 for training, The Chief <br /> explained that this was for "Train the Trainer" seminars. There <br /> was a gue tion about the Department's capital increase o $14,000. <br /> This is a radio upgrade and antennas. Mr. Golub asked about <br /> officers working private details and their use of a patrol car, <br /> The chief answered that for the private detail, officers get paid <br /> and the Town recovers reimbursement for use of vehicles., Mr,. <br /> Goggin noted that the state of Massachusetts is the only State that <br /> uses full, police officers. It is mandated by State Law. The chief <br /> said as long as it is used wisely, it is a good program. <br /> Mr. Goltb asked the Chief to highlight a y significant changes that <br /> have been male since he started or would like to see, The Chief <br /> answered that he started February 1, 1995 and is still in the <br /> educational process. He felt that he would be better able to <br /> answer this question in three or four months,, He stated that next <br /> -year at this time he would have a list of things he has changed or <br /> wishes to change. The Deputy Chief stated that he does not see <br /> Mashpee as being very different from other Cape communities as far <br /> as their goals and objectives. He also noted that Mashpee was very <br /> lucky to have won the reward for the two additional police <br /> officers. There were numerous other Towns which requested that <br /> grant. <br /> The meeting adjourned at :2o i. The next scheduled meeting is <br /> Tuesday, March 21, 1995 at :OOP . Minutes respectfully submitted <br /> by Jean M, Mooney, Recording secretary. <br />