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Page <br /> Account and a part time 20 hour position being increa ed to a full <br /> time 35 hour position. Benefits have been paid to this position <br /> for the last four years. Where is also longevity included for Ms, <br /> ommelmeyer and her Assistant. <br /> The Expense Account does not contain any increases. MSqP <br /> o mel Byer stated that the Town Audit will cost approximately <br /> $13 ,000, Mr. Goggin asked if this does out to bid? Ms 4, <br /> ommel Byer stated that it doesn I t have t , but it does, The group <br /> discussed seminars, Ms, Rommelmeyer explained that her department <br /> has not been able to attend lately, due to under staffing, Ther <br /> was a question whether or not these types of expenses should be <br /> placed under the Personnel Account for training. Mr. Bacigalupi <br /> mentioned that he felt it should remain in her department' <br /> expenses,. <br /> Mr. Goggin mentioned that the Computer Committee is planning o <br /> installing a new computer system ire Town and asked if it would help <br /> decrease the reed for the full timer in her office? Mse <br /> ommelmeyer responded by saying that her current system is being <br /> fully utilized. Where is a cross link with the school system. Her <br /> department is running all expense checks. The new system will also <br /> e used to the maximum, The Town Accountant does not expect to see <br /> her workload decreased, especially with the new high School coming <br /> on lime. She felt it was necessary to increase her part timer to <br /> full time status. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked if the Town Accountant had any questions of the <br /> Finance committee? She asked if the Committee were happy with <br /> their reports? They answered that the reports were great and that <br /> they were very appreciative to receive them* <br /> Correspondence <br /> There was a memorandum from the Executive Secretary to the Finance <br /> Committee regarding the Bylaw co flirt for Fina ce committee <br /> members. The memo indicated that the Board of Selectmen have <br /> filed all materials with the Town Clerk and that no additional <br /> action is contemplated at this time, <br /> There was also a memorandum from the Executive secretary with <br /> Guide to open Meeting Law attadhed. <br /> John Ferriday gave his resignation letter to the Chairman effective <br /> April. 1 , 1995. <br /> The Board of Selectmen provided their recommendation for the <br /> Finance Committee for F 9 . The recommendation is for $100,000 to <br /> the Reserve Fund and $1,000 to their Expense Account., <br /> Where was also a memorandum from Greg Taylor-, DPW, to the Executive <br /> Secretary regarding a lease/purchase of a valuable piece of <br />