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Page <br /> Mr. Coggin asked how the report would be presented at Town Meeting? <br /> Mr-. . hritenour answered that it would state raise and appropriate <br /> in the sane format for capital items as the previous years. Ms. <br /> Creel ish stated that it is deceiving because It is oust of balance, <br /> Mr* Hauch explained that the Committee did not want to exclude <br /> anything so that all taxpayers could see what the future looks <br /> like.. Ms, King asked how it would be presented, being out of <br /> balance? Mr, i+ htiten ur stated that the report states that it is <br /> updated annually. Mr. Goggin stated that he felt the Town was <br /> looking for the Capital Replacement Committee to live within a <br /> budget. Mr. Golub suggested coming up with a budget with <br /> alternatives. It was his recommendation that the Capital Committee <br /> go back into session and give some thought to presenting their <br /> report at Town Meeting with their best guess for third and fourth <br /> years out. Ms, Greelish felt that total available funds should <br /> also be added to their wo -lsheet to show taxpayers what funding is <br /> a ray. . ble. Mr. Ferriday also suggested that the Capital Committee <br /> recommend the moderator at Town Meeting explain the report in sixth <br /> grade terms so that people will truly understand. <br /> Sid Golub Motioned to recommend to the Capital Committee a budget <br /> for FY9 , 97 , 98 and 99 conform closely in first priority <br /> recommendation to the Long Range Plan with alternatives to be <br /> decided as time passes and to be supported by the Finance <br /> Committee,. 'ohn Ferriday seconded the Motion and members approved <br /> -o. <br /> Mr. Golub suggested going through the FY96 items. Mr. Goggin did <br /> mention that he was disappointed in regard to the Council on Aging <br /> van. The Committee had felt that the process was further along.- <br /> In <br /> long.- <br /> In fact, Mr, Long informed the Committee that paperwork has not <br /> been completed to date, In regard to the Hoard of Health vehicle, <br /> Mr Coggin asked why he had to be given -a vehicle? Why not just <br /> pay him . 30 per mile? The answer was that the majority of time the <br /> vehicle is used on back roads, Mr# Whritenour stated that he would <br /> like to see a Jeep Cherokee or a GMC -wheel drive purchased. <br /> There was a question regarding the Library heating and cooking <br /> system, The Capital Improvement Committee is recommending �25,000, <br /> but her operational budget does not show a decrease in heating <br /> costs. Mr. Hauck stated that they would speak to Helene DeFoe and <br /> get hard figures from her, Mr, Golub mentioned that the Capital <br /> Committee hal asked the Library Trustees if they would be willing <br /> to use some of their money for this purpose and they said that it <br /> was not a priority. <br /> Mr. Coggin also mentioned that if a sweeper is purchased for the <br /> DPW, hien approximately $20,000 can be removed from Mr, Taylor' <br /> operational budget. Mr. Golub mentioned that Mr. Taylor could not <br /> attend tonight, but would be willing to come to the Finance <br /> Committee's next meeting if they had any questiohs, Mr. Ferriday <br /> asked if Ma hpe 's Government was going to go into competition with <br /> local private enterprises? He felt that some local businesses will <br />