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MINUTES <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION <br /> TUESDAY,APRIL 24, 2018 <br /> ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE ROOM <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> 6:00 p.m.—Convene Meeting in Open Session <br /> Members Present: Carol Sherman, Denise Dutson, Pamela McCarthy, Robin Simmons <br /> Gene Olson, Patrice Pimental <br /> Also Present: Building Commissioner Michael Mendoza <br /> 1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> Chairman Carol Sherman opened the meeting at 6:00 <br /> 2. Approval of Minutes - Minutes February 27, 2018 <br /> Motion: Denise Dutson moved to approve the February 27, 2018 minutes, seconded by Pamela <br /> McCarthy. Vote unanimous 4-0-2 with Gene Olson and Patrice Pimental abstaining. <br /> 4. New Business <br /> The Chair introduced Building Commissioner Michael Mendoza and stated he will be speaking about <br /> the Overlay District for the Evergreen Project. <br /> Mr. Mendoza talked about the Overlay District for the Evergreen Project and the purpose is to attract <br /> particular type of businesses. He stated this area on Route 130 Is a Gateway entrance to Mashpee. He <br /> explained the overlay district just affects that area. He asked how far does the committee want this <br /> incorporated? He suggested giving the owner a little more incentive in exchange for a particular look. <br /> There was a discussion on whether or not to approach the owners and how to proceed. It was <br /> determined to find what the need is and what are the needs of the people and what type of businesses <br /> should be put there with what kind of look? <br /> The Building Commissioner stated an article would need to be put in town meeting to create the overlay <br /> district to design the overlay to match the lot and create a look that is very attractive. The sign issues <br /> would also have to be addressed in order to put Mashpee's best face forward and make it attractive to <br /> existing residential area. <br /> There was a discussion on approaching the owner that this is a Gateway entrance into the community. It <br /> was noted that businesses have to start with the Design Review Committee. <br /> Mr, Mendoza suggested finding pictures of what the district should look like. <br /> The Chair will be contacting the owners and invite them to the next EDIC meeting on May 15 along <br /> with Michael Mendoza and Evan <br />