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Mashpee Planning Board <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> July 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Waquoit Meeting Room, Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Chairman Mary Waygan, Dennis Balzarini, David Kooharian, Joe Cummings, David <br /> Weeden, Robert(Rob)Hansen (Alt.) <br /> Also: Evan Lehrer-Town Planner, Charles Rowley-Consulting Engineer <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The Town of Mashpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the Waquoit <br /> Meeting Room at Mashpee Town Hall by the Chair, at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, <br /> The Chair stated that the meeting was being videographed and recorded. The Chair welcomed <br /> attendees and asked that anyone addressing the Board do so using the microphone, stating their <br /> name and their business. All comments should be addressed through the Chair and a <br /> determination would be made whether the comments would be heard by the Board. The <br /> Planning Board encourages public participation and typically meets the first and third <br /> Wednesdays of the month. The Pledge of allegiance was recited. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 20,2018 & June 28,2018 <br /> The Chair requested that consideration of the minute be placed on hold to allow a thorough <br /> review of the content of the minutes. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> 20 & 28 Blue Castle Drive Determination of Adequate Roadway-Chairman Waygan <br /> read the request for the record. Attorney Jonathan Polloni, represented the applicants, Ellen <br /> Brady and Henry Barr, owners of property located at 20 and 28 Blue Castle Drive. Mr. Polloni <br /> reported much of the paving had been completed, as permitted by the Special Permit for Ockway <br /> Highlands, but that a section of road remained unpaved, on which the parcels in question were <br /> located. Mr. Polloni stated that the applicants' lots were buildable once approval was received <br /> from.the Planning Board that access was determined as adequate. Mr. Polloni reviewed <br /> regulations regarding lots fronting on a street, described as a Town-owned public way, <br /> constructed and approved Subdivision road or a way that pre-dated those regulations. It was Mr. <br /> Polloni's opinion that this area of Blue Castle Drive was created in the 1950s, allowing the <br /> Planning Board to determine its adequacy. Mr. Polloni read Paragraph 9 in the Special Permit <br /> for adequate access, adding that it also conditioned the new cluster subdivision to improve and <br /> maintain the road. Mr. Polloni referenced local residents' preference for a paved road versus an <br /> unpaved road and the Planning Board's conditions for the developer to regrade the road, <br /> widening to 16 feet, clearing to 20 feet and providing annual maintenance to allow emergency <br /> access. It was Mr. Polloni's opinion that the conditions were sufficient to allow for his clients to <br /> build on the parcels they believed, upon purchase, were buildable. Mr. Polloni suggested that it <br /> was a unique circumstance that would likely not create a precedence, and added that it would not <br /> create significant additional traffic. Mr. Polloni highlighted the parcels on the map for the <br /> Planning Board, noting that lot 20 was undersized and was a non-conforming lot, but met the <br /> frontage requirements. The parcels surrounding the land were developed, <br /> I <br /> 1 <br />