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i <br /> Air.,, <br /> Mashpee Affordable Housing Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> March 4, 2014 at 6:30 pin <br /> waquoit Meeting Room, Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Chairman Walter Abbott, Berkeley Johnson, Kalliope Egloff, Allan Isbitz <br /> CALIF To ORDER <br /> Chairman Abbott opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and the roll was called. Members of the <br /> Quashnet Valley Estates neighborhood introduced themselves as Tony Cocuzzo, Bruce Willard and <br /> Joe Marcus who were interested in learning more about plans for 209 Old Barnstable load. <br /> Additionally, Leon Jacobs, Interim Housing Director for the Wampanoag Tribe,, had been invited to <br /> attend tonight's meeting, as well as to become a member of the Committee. <br /> APPROVAL of NM T S-February 4, 2014 <br /> FIs. Egloff recommended that"Mr.. glof ' at the top of page 2 be changed to"Ms.. gloff. <br /> Mr. Johnson made a notion to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Isbitz seconded the <br /> motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 209 old Barnstable Road <br /> The Chairman reported that he and Mr. Johnson attended the recent Board of Selectmen meeting for <br /> the feasibility study presentation. The presentation was approximately 10 minutes in length and <br /> was of a more general nature. The Chair felt that the response was good, though the box turtle issue <br /> would need to be addressed. It was unclear who would be assigned to resolve the matter-. The <br /> Chair suggested that two members of the Committee meet to discuss the possibility of a swap with <br /> land near Heritage Park. Chairman Abbott indicated that he would contact Natural Heritage in <br /> order to schedule a time to meet. Mr. Isbitz pointed out that Horsley"tten looped at the issue on <br /> a preliminary basis and indicated knowledge and familiarity with the turtle issue, and suggested that <br /> the Town be encouraged to contract with the firm for a more in depth assessment. The Chair <br /> suggested a preliminary meeting first, noting that it was unclear whether funds remained from the <br /> study. Ms. Egloff recommended learning from the Town about the remaining funds and agreed <br /> with Mr-. Isbitz about working toward a more streamlined approach. Mr. Isbitz pointed out that it <br /> would be an application process and likely not as costly, and emphasized the importance ofHorsley <br /> ' hitten's experience and ability to address the issue professionally. There was discussion <br /> regarding whether there was a procurement officer who could find out the costs associated with <br /> addressing the box turtle issue. The Chair recommended that Mr. Isbitz contact Horsley Whitten <br /> regarding the costs and the Assistant Town Manager regarding the available remaining funds. <br /> There was consensus among Committee members to move to the next step. <br /> Mr. Marcus referenced the presentation of the study results, noting that it lacked detail with <br /> qualifications, such as the box turtle count, which were not resolved. Mr. Isbitz pointed out that it <br /> was a preliminary study. Mr. Harcus stated that there were issues that had not been addressed. Ms. <br /> Egloff explained that a number of town-owned parcels had been considered but that 209 old <br /> Barnstable offered the best potential to be considered for affordable housing arra the feasibility <br /> study was initiated to ascertain whether the site would be a good fit for such a development, on a <br /> general basis. Chairman Abbott offered to email the report to Mr. Marcus. <br />
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