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r <br /> what be done in terms of additional plantings, getting rid of any portion of the <br /> pathway and covering it up with mitigation that falls outside his property lire. The Agent <br /> the Commission for guidance as to hove much time Mr. Lando should-be given to <br /> accomplish this. The Agent stated his plan was to get in touch with Mr. Lando and his <br /> landscaper neat week onsite. The plan depicts exactly what the linear foot setback is to <br /> the edge of the property from the pored. The property will be staled and then the <br /> homeowner will plant. additional plantings of the same variety that have been planted <br /> already so there is no incentive to use that area anymore. Mr. Sweet suggested writing a, <br /> letter to the Homeowners' Association informing it of the strong action the Conunxssion <br /> is taking in this situation for protection of their property. He said that that Homeowners' <br /> association has not protected its own property rights. In addition, Mr. Sweet suggested <br /> writing to the Association about the Commission's concern regarding property around <br /> this freshwater pond. The property reeds to be monitored; perhaps signage could be <br /> placed in the area stating this is private property. <br /> The Agent will meet with Mr. Lando and his landscaper and report back to the <br /> Commission. <br /> Being no further business, <br /> Motion: Mr. Shaw moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Sweet. vote <br /> unanimous -o. Meeting adjourned 7:15 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Judy Daigneault, Recording Secretary <br /> i - <br /> ' J <br />