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Attorney. Fogel noted the Commission has not received document that establishes <br /> permanent access from the golf course for the proposed nourishment on the beach. H <br /> said that if access was not available, the nourishment would have to be done from the top <br /> f the bank. <br /> Joseph Col su nn , Director of Development, asked about haw far back in time rind h <br /> have to go to be able to determine if it is a pre-disturbed lot. The Agent said if it was pre- <br /> disturbed prior to the enactment of the lletlands Protection At, it would be grandfathered. <br /> He said he would have to de some research, There was a discussion on whether the let <br /> is pro-disturbed and whether there were trees on the lot. <br /> The Agent explained there are three criteria for a waiver that needs to be met to protect <br /> the wetlands. Mr. Sweet asked why the whole entire subdivision doesn't be redefined t <br /> get houses pushed back. The protection of the coastal bank has addressed. <br /> Mr. McKay was concerned about the nourish the beach and said that the <br /> Commission needs confirmation that the access from the golf course is permanent. <br /> Mr. Colasuonno requested ar continuance to get the information the Com- missioners have <br /> requested. Mr. Andersen asked if he could also include examples of lots that were <br /> developed with appropriate setbacks so they can have a comparison. Mr. Gurnee <br /> suggested better mitigation plantings than grasses. He would prefer dense plantings <br /> -nourished and watered and some kind of guarantee of access from the bottom for beach <br /> nourishment. <br /> Motion: Mr. Sweet roved to continue the hearing to October 23, 2014 at 6:18 at the <br /> request of the Applicant who needs to submit the following information: <br /> • Incorporate into the narrative the 3 criteria for the waiver; <br /> a A plan for the plantings and verification of a beach nourishment; <br /> 0 Provide other examples of similar developments; <br /> A timeline of the history of the let in order to determine if it is pre-disturbed. <br /> Seconded by Mr. Shag . Vote unanimous - . <br /> 6:27Mary T. eterenApIioant , 1'1 Compass Ciroi . Proposed replacement of six <br /> pests with sic 8" round pilings, hard dig two 4x4' posts and construction of six stairs to <br /> access existing pier. Nicholas J. Nardon , Trustee (property owners). ICDA <br /> Motion: Mr. shag moved to continue the hearing at the request of the Applicant to <br /> November 13, 2014 t 6:15 p.m.,, seconded by Mr. Sweet. Vote unanimous 6-0. <br /> 6:30 Jeremy N. Stevenson,et al Trustees,431 Mon om oscoy Road.After-the-fact filing <br /> to Arend Order of Conditions SE 3-2658 to allow for deposit of sand for beach <br /> nourishment and landscaping enhancement. AC <br /> Resource Area: LSCSF, Coastal Beach, Buffer Zone to Salt Marsh, X VW. <br /> Matt Costa, Cape and islands Engineering, was representing the Applicants and stated <br /> this is an after--the-fact Amendment to authorize the small amount of beach nourishment <br /> planed on an area of the Coastal Beach. Approximately 3 cubic yards of beach <br /> 10 <br /> t <br /> y <br />