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y s <br /> OLD BUSMSS <br /> a. Discussion on next steps regarding sale of EDIC lot on Indust al Drive. <br /> Torn Mayo i formed the members that he and Dino Mitrol ostas met with Pat Costello, <br /> Town Attorney, regarding the EDIC lot on Industrial Drive. Torn reported that Pat told <br /> them they did not need to follow 30B. FDIC is exempt from 30B but Pat Costello <br /> recommended using 30B as appropriate. Toni prepared a dry solicitation for the board's <br /> review. Terrie Cooly noted that under contact information Carol Sherman's email should <br /> be changed to <br /> Carol Sherman noted that Mir. Shields has been in contact with her. He would like to be <br /> one of the agents that receive the solicitation. Toni said he would life to run the draft <br /> document by Joyce Mason as she is the Town's Procurement official. when it i <br /> completed, Toni would ging it back to the board. Dino said he would prepare a list of <br /> brokers before their next meeting for the board's review and Terr <br />