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Toni Mayo stated the IFP was sent out February 15 and reviewed the list of real estate <br /> agents that he sent the RFP to. He stated one of the agents had a concern with the time <br /> constraint which is 4 months. Following a discussion, the members agreed to change the <br /> time constraint tru December 31, 2013. <br /> Motion: Terrie Cooly moved to ratify the REP with the only changes being the <br /> guarantee of completion for the sale or lease to occur by December�1 201 and <br /> remove the word `gins allation". Seconded by Mary LeClair, vote was unanimous. <br /> Tom said he will be-sending out an addendum_ He also noted that he be posted the RFP <br /> at town hall and on the website. Torn also announced that the laid opening is on March <br /> I 1 at 6:00 p.m.,therefore, their meeting on larch I 1 will not be held. <br /> b. Update on printing of Ma hpec Guide for Business: Tom Mayo/Dino <br /> Mitrol ostas <br /> Toni said he spoke with the printer, J&R Graphics, and everything is printed and ready to <br /> go. The total cost was oo_ Some of the members will meet informally at a later cyte to <br /> put the guide-into binders. <br /> . Discussion of vacant seat on Board—Andy Gottlieb, letter of interest <br /> Tom said he invited Andy Gottlieb to tonight's meeting but he was unable to attend. <br /> Carol Sherman noted eke is doing a piece on vacancies in the Enterprise and he will be <br /> doing a piece on EMC and will be publicizing that we Will be looldng for someone with <br /> a real estate background. Mary LeClair suggested Torn talk with Andy Gottlieb. <br /> 6. Additional Topics <br /> None <br /> . Future Meeting dates <br /> Date for future meeting was discussed. EDC will meet on March 18 at 6:00. <br /> In the future, members will be working on a job description for the director and tracking <br /> the progress of the guide. <br /> Motion: Mary LeClair moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by 'ferric Cool. <br /> Vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. <br /> l pectfally u misted, <br /> y Dai eault, eeording Secretary <br />