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Y r Ly <br /> Water Quality Monitoring <br /> Mr. York reported that the January sampling has shown the eater temperature't .b in the <br /> and algae has been blooming in the Mashpee River, which was not typical for the winter. <br /> Estuary Restoration./Shellfish Propagation <br /> There was some discussion regarding Dick Cook's recent request for a shellfish grant and lx. <br /> York highlighted the importance of shellfish grants, which help with restoration and the removal <br /> f nitrogen. fir. York stated that Arnericorps would be corning to Mashpee on January 23rd in <br /> order to work on the shellfihing gear. Mr. York noted that the Ton shellfish permits fund <br /> most of the equipment and that the County funded 0%. Mr. York's goal would be for the oyster <br /> to set on their own from spawn that the Town has been growing. Expansion of the Tribe's grants <br /> would assist with achieving the goal. Mr. Cahalan inquired about the length of a grant and Mr. <br /> York responded that the initial grant was 10 years, with a renewal of 15 years. It was noted that <br /> the site being considered by Mr. Cook was 2 acres in the cher part of the sandbar. <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Where was discussion about having Matt Patrick attend the next meeting and to invite the new <br /> Sewer Administrator to attend a meeting* Mr. white wished to also discuss a Petition Warrant <br /> Article about the Pilgrim Nuclear Plant at the next Meeting. <br /> 40 <br /> MEETING ADJOURNMENT <br /> Mr. Theis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. <br /> Petersen. The nn a ing adjourned at 7:45 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted., <br /> , e]7 M. cqr <br /> Board Secretary <br /> LIST OF DOCUMENTS <br /> 3 <br />