Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Provi edby MassDEP:
<br /> Bureau of Resource Protection-Wetlands Mass EP File#:043-2692
<br /> eDEP ransaction 0:460024
<br /> FS A.Form 5- Order of Conditions, City vn:MASHPEE
<br /> Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L.c,131,§40
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<br /> 2 t.E,Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage 1666
<br /> a.square feet b.square feet
<br /> 22,
<br /> 1 t Restoration/Enhancement(For.Approvals Only)
<br /> If the project is for the purpose of restoring o'r enhancing a wetland resource area in addition to the square ootage that has been
<br /> entered in Section B.5.c&d or B.l7.c&d above,please entered the additional amount here,
<br /> a,square feet of BVbV b,square feet of SaltMarsh
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<br /> C-j Streams Crossings)
<br /> If thp.project involves Stream Crossings,please enter the number of new stream crossings/number of repla ement stream crossings.
<br /> a.number of new stream crossings b.number of replacement stream cross' as
<br /> C. General Conditions Uu.der Massachusetts Wetlands Protec 'on Act
<br /> The following conditions are only applicable to Approved projects
<br /> 1. Failure to comply with all conditions stated herein,and with all related statutes and other regulatory easures,shall be deemed
<br /> cause to revoke or modify this Order.
<br /> 2. The Order does not grant anyproperty rights or any exclusive privileges;it does not authorize any inj to private property or
<br /> invasion of private rights.'
<br /> 3. This Order does not relieve the pennittee or any other person of the necessity of complying with all o ier applicable federal,
<br /> state,or local statutes,ordinances,bylaws,or regulations.
<br /> 4. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within three years from the date of this Orderunl s either of the following
<br /> apply:
<br /> a.the work is a maintenance dredging project as provided for in the Act;or
<br /> b,the time for completion has been extended to a specified date more than three years,but less th five
<br /> years,from the date of issuance.If this Order is intended to be valid for more than three years, e
<br /> extension date and the special circumstances warranting the extended time period are set forth a
<br /> special condition in this Order.
<br /> 5. This Order may be.extended by the issuing authority for one ormore periods of up to three years ea upon application to the
<br /> issuing authority at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the Order.
<br /> 6. If this Order constitutes an Amended Order of Conditions,this Amended Order of Conditions does tot exceed the issuance
<br /> date of the original Final Order of Conditions.
<br /> 7. Any fill usedin connection with this project shall be clean fill.Any fill shall contain no trash,refuse,m bish,or debris,including
<br /> but not limited to lumber,bricks,plaster,wire,lath,paper,cardboard,pipe,tires,ashes,refrigerator motor vehicles,orparts of
<br /> any of the foregoing.
<br /> 3. This Order is not final until all administrative appeal periods from this Order have elapsed,or if such appeal has been taken,
<br /> until all proceedings before the Department have been completed.
<br /> 9. No work shall be undertaken until the Order has become final and then has been recorded in the Re 'stry of Deeds or the Land
<br /> Court for the district in which the land is located,within the chain of title of the affected property.In he case of recorded land,
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