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REVISED 9/20/2012 <br /> Section 4. Performance Standards <br /> All application of nitrogen shall comply with the following standards: <br /> a. The application of nitrogen is prohibited between October 161h and April 14th <br /> b. No person shall cause nitrogen to apply to, or otherwise be deposited to any impervious surface <br /> including parking lot, driveway,roadway, sidewalk or ice. Any fertilizer applied, spilled, and/or <br /> deposited on any impervious surface, either intentionally or accidentally,must be immediately <br /> and completely removed and contained and either legally applied to turf or any other legal site or <br /> returned to an appropriate container. <br /> c. No person shall apply nitrogen directly before or during a heavy rain event <br /> d. The application of nitrogen is prohibited within 100' of Resource Areas as defined in Falmouth's <br /> Wetlands Protection Bylaw. <br /> Section 5. Exemptions <br /> The following activities shall be exempt from Section 4: <br /> 1. Application of nitrogen for agriculture, and horticulture uses <br /> 2. Golf Courses,however Golf Courses are not exempt from Performance Standard 4d <br /> 3. Application of nitrogen to gardens, including vegetable and flower, trees, shrubs and indoor applications <br /> including greenhouses <br /> 4. Application of nitrogen for the establishment of new vegetation in the first growing season, or repairing <br /> of turf in the first growing season, after substantial damage <br /> 5. Yard waste compost or other similar materials that are primarily organic in nature and are applied to <br /> improve the physical condition of the soil. <br /> Section 6.Recommendations <br /> The Town of Falmouth strongly recommends that nitrogen should be applied to turf and other plants at the <br /> lowest rate necessary. Any single application of nitrogen should not exceed 0.5 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 <br /> square feet, and the annual aggregate total application of nitrogen should not exceed 1.0 pounds per 1000 square <br /> feet. The application of any nitrogen should be of an organic, slow-release, water-insoluble form. <br /> Section 7. Enforcement Authority <br /> The enforcement authority shall be the Director of the Department of Natural Resources or his designees. <br /> Section 8. Severability Clause <br /> Should any section,part or provision of this Regulation be deemed invalid or unconstitutional, such decision <br /> shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms of this Act as a whole or any part thereof, other than the <br /> section,part or provision held invalid or unconstitutional. <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />