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Mashpee Environmental oversight Committee <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> September 12,2013 at #00 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Present: Chairman George Petersen, Selectman John Cahalane, Ted Theis,Rick York, <br /> Michael Talbot, Peter White <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was opened by Chairman Petersen at 7:05 p.m. <br /> APPROVAL OF MEETING MEWTES July 11, 2013 &August 8, 2013 <br /> Revisions had been incorporated into the July l 1 minutes. <br /> Mr. Talbot made a motion to approve the July 11 minutes as amended. Mr. Theis <br /> seconded the motion. 5 yes, I abstain <br /> Mr. Talbot made a motion to approve the minutes of August 8th. Mr. Theis seconded`the <br /> motion. 4 yes,2 abstain <br /> COMMUNICATIONS <br /> Chairman Petersen read for the record an email sent by Conservation Agent Drew McManus <br /> requesting an EEC letter of support for Mashpee projects to be considered for U.S. Fish and <br /> Wildlife Service grants. <br /> Selectman Cahalane made a motion to send a letter of support from the Environmental <br /> Oversight Committee in support of their application for the grants. Mr.York seconded the <br /> motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Mr. Talbot indicated that he could contact Mr. McManus regarding the appropriate language for <br /> the letter, forwarding it to the Chair for his signature. <br /> Selectman Cahalane made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign such letters. Mr. <br /> Theis seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> NEW B SSSS <br /> Mr. Talbot indicated that Mashpee resident Beverly Kane inquired at the Mashpee <br /> Environmental Coalition Board meeting about the Sewer Commission kiosk located at Town <br /> Hall. Selectman Cahalane responded that the Town Manager had approved re-installing the <br /> kiosk. Selectman Cahalane will contact Mr. Pudala, but he will need to follow up with Ms. <br /> . <br /> Jason regarding the length of time that the kiosk would be in place. <br /> ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br /> Estuary Restoration Shellfish Propagation <br /> Mr. York reported that 2,200 hags of oyster seed were doing well in the Mashpee River and that <br /> the 6 million quahog seed was also doing well in Great River. Selectman Cahalane inquired <br /> about the shellfish issue on Martha's vineyard and Mr. York confirmed that it was a naturally <br /> occurring bacterium that could ase gastrointestinal issues, and could present itself in warm <br /> grater. Mr. York confirmed that the last testing of oysters in Popponesset were fine, adding that <br />