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Mashpee Environmental oversight Committee <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> July 1 ,2014 at 6:30 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, waquoit Meeting Room <br /> Present: Chairman George Petersen, Ted Theis, Rick York, Michael Talbot <br /> Absent; Selectman John Cahalane Drew McManus <br /> FALL To ORDER <br /> The meeting was opened by Chairman Petersen at 6:40 p,m. with a quorum. <br /> APPROVAL P MEETING TIES June 12, 201 <br /> 1 r. Talbot made a notion to accept the meeting minutes of June .'12 h2014. Mr. Theis <br /> seconded the .motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> C CATIONS <br /> None at this time <br /> ACTION ITEMS UPDATE <br /> Estuary Restoration/Shellfish Propagation <br /> Mr. York reported that the Federal grant from the National Fish& wildlife Foundation had been <br /> rejected, as well as well eet's grant. However, recent conversations with the funding agency <br /> indicated that Mashpee was close and that there would be a second round of funding, with <br /> September deadline. The agency suggested modifications to the application. The grant would <br /> allow the development of a 10 acre oyster reef area in Popponesset Bay. <br /> The current oyster program in the Mashpee River and new quahog progrwn in the Great River <br /> are both doing very well. The Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan has been submitted <br /> to the Cape Cod Commission and the State. The CCC has requested an extension to review the <br /> plan. Monitoring in collaboration with the Tribe and SMaST continues, as rewired by the <br /> TMDLs from the DEP and IPPA. Mr. Talbot inquired about the water quality over the last 10 <br /> years and Mr. York indicated that he could forward Brian Howes' report* Mr. York surnrnari ed <br /> that increased nitrogen allowed the algae and seaweed to bloom, resulting in eel grass and <br /> scallop loss. Fish kills' occurred in Mashpee River in 2005 due to the algae bloom, but there have <br /> been no fish bills since growing the oysters in the river. Mr. Talbot inquired about Mr. York <br /> submitting an article to the Enterprise on behalf of the Mashpee Envirorumental Coalition. <br /> i <br /> Pond & Estuary Water Quality <br /> Mr. York stated that Santuit Pond was in good shape with the Solar Bees. Mr. York also <br /> reported that the MA Department of Health located funds so that monitoring and study of S ntuit � <br /> Fond would continue. Mr. Talbot referenced concerns expressed by Southport residents about <br /> Martha's Pond and the desire for a baseline measurement and monitoring flue to upcoming <br /> construction _ Mr, York indicated that he had spoken with George Reichenbacher, a PAL <br /> volunteer, and had suggested studying the phosphorus sources. Mr. York indicated that the State <br /> could be asked to include Martha's Pond in them pond and lake sampling program: <br />