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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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the PALS and Mashpee Environmental Coalition summer sampling,noting that although Sant <br /> was the most impacted,the algae bloom was half of what it was prior to the circulators. Mr. <br /> York indicated that all data had been received and that the other ponds had not charged greatly. <br /> Nutrient Management& FerMlizer Regulations for Fresh Water Ponds & Estuanks <br /> Mr. Talbot reported that the Cape Cod Tines had printed a story about the bylaw passing in <br /> Mashpee. �&. Talbot also reported that he had been contacted by Jonathan Idman regarding <br /> approval of the bylaw by the Cape Cod Commission. The next available date for consideration <br /> was November 13, which Mr. Talbot requested for the hearing. Mr. Talbot vll attend the <br /> meeting but inquired who else should be in attendance, noting that Mashpee would be the first <br /> town bylaw to be approved under the DCPC gtddelir es. Mr. Talbot will reach out to Selectman <br /> Gottlieb regarding the hearing. <br /> Mr. Talbot referenced 'Implementation of the bylaw, which he recommended beginning March 1, <br /> and noted that'lie had been in contact with Falmouth regarding joint education for landscape <br /> professionals, suppliers and homeowners.. There was a reeornrnendation that the education <br /> progra r n be rolled out be ring in January,possibly in the form of a notice to professionals ars <br /> homeowners ners inform g them about the bylaw along with basic performance standards. <br /> Information should be made available through the website. The Chair pointed out that the <br /> Committee did not have a'budget so the BOS would reed to be contacted. Mr. York indicated <br /> .that the town website was an excellent resource for distributing information and recommended <br /> contacting the Town Manager's office. The Chair stated Haat he would contact Assistant Town <br /> Manager Torn Mayo* liar. Talbot indicated that he would send ars email regarding the Cape Cod <br /> Commission'.s public hag to the Town Manager's office, as well as the Board of Selectmen. <br /> The Chair VAR also contact Commissioner Ernie Vi ilio. i r. York.recommended concise <br /> information on the website to be accessed by the homeowners. Mr. Talbot will also draft text <br /> about the bylaw for the MEC newsletter once the bylaw was considered by the CCC. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Combine Water-Sewer <br /> No update <br /> Town-vide Stormwater Management Plan <br /> Mr. York indicated that stornnwater management was part of the Comprehensive Flan and that <br /> the DPW continued to address stormy ater issues. Additionally, DPW Director Catherine <br /> Laurent consistently provided updates and reports for the permits held by Mashpee. Mr. York <br /> stated that town projects to improve storrnwater rmoff began ith the vegetated sv ralc located at <br /> the Route 130 herring run,the capture area for Mashpee Neck Landing and the reconstruction of <br /> the Creat River boat ramp. W. Talbot inquired about the outfall Apes in New Seabury and it <br /> was suggested that the Peninsula Council and Selectman Mike Richardson be contacted. Mr. <br /> York noted that all street drains had been mapped, totaling 2,000 storm drains. <br /> Land Steward Program <br /> Mr, McManus reported that there were currently 37 Land Stewards, both passive and active, <br /> many of whom walk their parcels approximately four times per year, submitting a parcel report <br /> o the C n w v tion Department. Information about the program was readily available on the <br /> 2 <br />
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