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Theresa Cook made a motion that the Finance Committee approve the transfer of$20,000 from <br /> the Reserve Fund to DPMI Expense account, to be used for Emergency South Cape Beach <br /> Nourishment. Oskar-Klenert seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a Grote of - . <br /> NEW BUSINESS (cont'd) <br /> Joyce Mason stated that the balance in the Reserve Fund to date i $94,000. The $20,000 <br /> approved transfer request will reduce the balance to $74,000. <br /> Liaison Reports <br /> Capital Improvement Program — Theresa Cook. Ms. Cook reported that the CIP meeting met <br /> this afternoon for the first time, with Sewer Commission, and the Police Chief. They will meet <br /> again next Tuesday with the Fire Chief, DPW, School Committee, Recreation and Health to go <br /> over their requests. $500,000 has been put aside for Capital Improvement Committee use. <br /> School Committee— George Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt reported his and Theresa Cook's <br /> attendance at a School Committee open meeting on January 15 th, with comments on their <br /> budget. Mr. Schmidt asked whether there were any unnegotiated labor increases in their budget. <br /> The School Committee as a body had not as yet discussed the budget} and planned to do so on <br /> February 6th5 their- next meeting date. hark Davini stated that he will attend this meeting for Mr. <br /> Schmidt, who is unavailable on that date. <br /> • Review of Town Manager's Available Budget Recommendations <br /> Joyce Mason distributed copies of preliminary town and school budget projections, with fined <br /> costs, for FY2 1 . Ids. Mason reported a 2.65% budget increase for the town, and a 2.48% <br /> increase for the school. There is a $403,000 difference in what the school is requesting from <br /> what Joyce Mason is recommending. -There is a $415#453 Town budget increaser and a budget <br /> increase of$473,235 for the School budget. The following staff additions are included in the <br /> budget; <br /> Police Dept. - one additional dispatcher <br /> Fire Dept. — replacement ent of a vacant position <br /> Library —four positions have been filled, (orae half time increased to full time) <br /> Ms. M on started that she will be ,meeting next week with Police Chief Rodney Collins to discuss <br /> the issue of assignment of a fulltime School-police officer. Ms. Mason will have FY 2013 <br /> appropriations figures in her next budget report. It was agreed by the committee that if there are <br /> any problems issues with any department budget, a representative will be invited from that <br /> department to a Finance Committee meeting to explain their budget requests. <br /> The BOS deadline for their budget recommendations is ( larch 8, 2013. The-Finance Committee <br /> public hearing date: March 21, 2013. <br /> Theresa Cook expressed the Finance Committee's appreciation-to Ms. Mason for pulling <br /> together the estimated budget figures in a shorter period of time than usual. <br /> George Schmidt stated that.Charles Gasior normally prepares the Finance Committee Annual <br /> Deport for the Town, which is due by the end of February. In ars email to George Schmidt, Mr. <br /> Gaslor offered to have ars alternative committee member prepare the Finance Committee Annual <br /> Report for this year. Theresa Cook offered to do the report this year if Charles Gasior would <br /> prefer someone else take on the task. <br /> NEXT MEETING. The next Finance Committee meeting was scheduled for Thursday, February <br /> 1 , 201 3, at 6:30 PM, llahpee Town Hall. <br /> 2 <br />