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i <br />� t <br /> i <br /> i (NEW BUSINESS, ont'd <br /> Charles Gasior made a motion that the Finance Committee approve the three year-end transfer <br /> requests listed above. Mark Davini seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> Liaison Deports <br /> Charter Review Committee—Theresa Cook <br /> Theresa Cook reported that the rine-member Mashpee Qharter Review Committee held its first <br /> meeting on ,dune 6, 2013. The committee members are: B s Wayne Taylor, Michael Richardson; <br /> hardson; <br /> School Committee members Scott McGee and Don Myers; Finance Committee members Theresa <br /> Cook and Charles Gasior; Planning Board, Mary v aygan; at-larger embers Ed Larkin and <br /> Richard hard Halpern. Mr. Larkin was elected Chairman; Ms. Cook, Vice Chairman; Mr. Gasior, Clerk. <br /> The goal of the committee is to have the charter review completed by next May's Annual Town <br /> Meeting. Copies of a public survey of the Charter Review are available at Town Hall, the Senior <br /> Center, and the Mashpee Public Library, as well as the Town web page. The net Charter Review <br /> Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 1, 2013. <br /> Street Light Committee — Christopher Avis <br /> IIIb. Avis reported that Catherine Laurent has been working with Cape Light Compact who is in the <br /> process of trying to replace all streetlights with led lights. The Streetlight Commission is making a <br /> recommendation to the Board of Selectmen that the 113 street lights on private roads should be <br /> given the option to have Association approval to change to led lights. The Town would be <br /> responsible for the fixtures, but the Association would be responsible for the cost of.the electricity. <br /> School Committee — George Schmidt <br /> Mr. Schmidt reported attendance at a School Committee meeting two weeks ago, when a revision <br /> to selection of the Superintendent of Schools was made and a new individual was chosen for a <br /> two-year contract. <br /> DPI —Charles Gasior <br /> Charles Gasior reported on a new waste company formed in New Bedford called New Bedford <br /> Waste Services which is starting a project in Rochester to take solid waste as well as recycled <br /> materials, which they will use to make compacted bricks to be used as a source of fuel in lieu of <br /> coal or natural gas in incinerators. The Mashpee DPW has already been in touch with this <br /> company as an alternative to SE lass. IEP has not yet given final approval to New Bedford <br /> Waste Services for the site. The cost per ton to Mashpee would be a minimum of$9 cheaper than <br /> BEI Mass, with no minimum tonnage requirement. Mr. Gasior stated that Joyce Mason and <br /> Catherine Laurent have arranged for a site visit scheduled for the end of June. Mr. Gasior hopes <br /> to be able to attend. <br /> • Budget Forecasting Suggestion — Sal DiBuono <br /> Mr. DiBuono stated his concern that there is a lot of second-guessing and Monday morning <br /> quarterbacking that goes on as the budget process moves along. Mr. DiBuono cited the capital <br /> expenditures, and the Capital Expenditure Committee that is questioned as to what that committee <br /> had authorized. Mr. DiBuono also questioned the work of the Town Manager and her staff during <br /> the budget process. Mr. DiBuono stated that he is struggling to understand what the Finance <br /> ,committee and the Town Manager are trying to do, and he feels that what they are doing is done <br /> too late in the budget process. <br /> Joyce Mason responded that her staff could probably present to the Finance committee by August <br /> what.can be seen as a five-year forecast. Ms. Mason stated that the difficulty with forecasting is <br /> 2 <br />