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f <br /> 2 After hearing all candidate presentations, the Finance Committee members will discuss <br /> candidates' qualifications and come to an agreement on recommending a candidate of <br /> their choice to the Town Moderator for appointment. <br /> 3 After agreement with Town Moderator as to their candidate of choice, all candidates will <br /> return to the meeting for announcement of their decision. <br /> David Del Ponce— 73 Whippoorwill Circle <br /> Mr.D I Ponte introduced himself to the committee, stating that he is now a permanent Mashpee <br /> resident for one year, with 30 years as a second Mahpa homeowner. IIIb. DlPnt , a financial <br /> services professional, stated that he would like to make a contribution to the Town, feels his <br /> experience is well based and would bring his best efforts to make ar meaningful contribution to the <br /> Finance Committee. <br /> Patrick Flynn — IIIb. Flynn stated that he had retired in November of 2013 as a financial manager <br /> in the CJS Coast Guard, has long ties to Mashpee as a homeowner, becoming a fulltime resident <br /> within the past 3 months. Wants to get involved in the community. <br /> Thomas Murphy — IIIb. Murphy stated that he has been a Mashpee resident for 22 years, with two <br /> children currently attending Mashpee schools, and one who recently graduated. Mr. Murphy works <br /> as a mortgage lending professional. Mr. Murphy is a community volunteer, serving as treasurer <br /> for the Cape Cod Children's Museum, and has been active in Mashpee youth sports. <br /> Deliberation among the Finance Committee members followed, with their ultimate unanimous <br /> decision to approve Toni Murphy as the candidate of their choice. Moderator,ferry Canter <br /> questioned the choice of the Committee as to whether Mr. Murphy had the best qualified <br /> background for the position. The committee members agreed unanimously that the major factor in <br /> their selection was the fact that Mr. Murphy was a 22 year resident of Mashpee, and that Mr. <br /> Murphy's children were all going through the Mashpee schools. ( lark Davini stated that it would <br /> be a benefit to have a parent of children in the school system since the school budget is a major <br /> component of the entire town budget. Mr. Murphy, with his knowledge and understanding of the <br /> town could hit the ground running ars the hectic budget season fast approaches in the coming <br /> weeks. <br /> Theresa Cook made a motion that the Finance Committee recommend Torn Murphy to fill the <br /> vacancy on the Finance Committee. Charles Lair seconded the motion. The motion was <br /> unanimously approved. <br /> The decision was announced to the three candidates. <br /> BUDGET MEETING FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORTS FTS - Continued to the next Finance <br /> Committee meeting. <br /> FIICM E11AILs <br /> Mark Davini requested that ars of immediately, the committee use only the Mashpee torn email <br /> system to communicate regarding any official Finance Committee business, using FII IC I I as the <br /> email subject. Emails should be checked at least once daily. <br /> Theresa Cask made a motion to reaffirm the previous decision that the Finance Committee <br /> exclusively use the town email system for Finance Committee business. Charles Gasi r seconded <br /> the motion. M ti n was approved. <br /> 2 <br />