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i <br /> just 12 communities on the Cape that have instituted the tax exemption pr gram and none of them <br /> are happy with it. Once the program has been instituted, it is non-reversible. Charles Gasior was <br /> appointed to represent the Finance Committee on the Working Group. The next meeting of the <br /> wring group is scheduled for July 21, 2014 to consider additional information that Assessing <br /> Director Jason sfreebel has pulled together. The Working Group will present their findings in <br /> August to the Board of Assessors. <br /> ' Liaison Assignments. Theresa Cook asked that the Committee members give some thought <br /> i <br /> as to their preference on their liaison assignments for the coming year. Chris Arris and George <br /> Schmidt both stated that they are open to any assignment. Oskar Klenert stated his preference for <br /> assignment to the DPW. Town Clerk Deb Darni has requested that she be added to the list of <br /> liaison assignments for the corning year. Theresa Cook reported that the Board of Selectmen has <br /> two liaisons assigned to the Wampanoag Tribe. <br /> Liaison Reports, <br /> WOskar Klenert reported that he is very impressed with the functionality of the department. <br /> School rrrmittee FinanceCommittee: George Schmidt reported the major news that between <br /> $250,000 and $275,000 will be returned to the Town. Requisitions are coming in on a normal <br /> basis this year because they have not been held up until the last few months of the year. $85,000 <br /> is outstanding. Professional Development is now being done in-house resulting in a savings. <br /> Mandates are conning down from the State at a rapid rate, costing money. Burly 15th is the final date <br /> for all bills to be received. <br /> Pay as you Throw: Chuck Gasic r reported that the issue is coming before the BOS for review, <br /> and the Finance Committee may want to have the Recycle Committee preview the financial aspect <br /> of the PAST program. The issue will be brought before the BOS late in July or early August. <br /> Library Tru tee i Theresa Cook reported that security issues at the library have been followed <br /> up by DPW Director Catherine Laurent. Cameras have been installed to monitor and record the <br /> activity at the library. <br /> Comm pity Preservation Committee:mittee: Theresa Cook and other committee members attended <br /> the opening of the newly installed Splash Pad at heritage'Park. The Splash Pad has been a <br /> huge success from the ver} beginning, with large numbers of children and adults showing up each <br /> day to enjoy the new facility. F <br /> Scott McGee: School rale Chairman. Scott McGee stated that he is very pleased that the <br /> School Committee will be returning a substantial sura of money to the Town. Mr. McGee stated <br /> that the committee is now working together in a new spirit of trust with the Town Manager, the <br /> Finance Committee, and the Board of Selectmen. Theresa Cook announced the groundbreaking <br /> for the new therapeutic playground, "Mashpee Plays Together,, at the IAC. Coombs School. <br /> Joyce Ulzison announced that the-deadline for receipt of article drafts is Monday, July 14, 2014 and <br /> expected to have the first daft of the articles within a week after the deadline date. <br /> NEXT T MEETIN DATE: The next Finance Committee meeting was scheduled for Thursday, <br /> August 21, 2014, at 6:30 PM. <br /> ADJOURNMENT:T: A there was no further business} George Schmidt 'Moved that the-meeting be <br /> adjourned. Chris Avis seconded the motion. -Roll Calf Vote: George Schmidt, yes; Chris Arris, <br /> Yes; Oskar Klenert, Yes; Charles Gasior, yes; Tom Murphy, yes; Theresa Cook, yes. The motion <br /> was unanimously approved. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ina Schlbohrn <br /> Recording Secretary <br /> 2 <br />