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w <br /> SOUTH CAPE BEACH <br /> x}/3/97 <br /> PAGE FOUR <br /> V DISCUSSION OF TOWN#s OPTION TO ACQUIRE NEW TOWN BEACH: (Cont#d <br /> Bruce McHenry stated rebuilding parking lot- on the edge of ,rater <br /> flies in the face of Coastal Zone Management, and we should take the <br /> opportunity to transfer the land. <br /> Motion has been made and seconded. Extensive discussi re. All in f avor; <br /> count is 5 in favor; I opposed. Motion carries. Chairman will write a <br /> letter to Board of -Selectmen informing them of this fact.. <br /> vl SUCH OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Mr. Martiros brought up question of- how how much money in lieu of taxes <br /> from the State? Mashpee 'will receive between 100-200K payment in lieu <br /> of taxes for state-owned land, Rep. Cahir responds. Question on park' <br /> wo r th in payment to the t own. <br /> Rep. Cahir responded that it would not be a great deal -of money but h <br /> would look into it*- The.,payment in lieu of taxes far s tate-o rued land <br /> was abandoned in the mid-80' . `- At that time, Kevin Harrington, executive <br /> secretary encouraged Rep. Chir to revisit that and we were able to- restore <br /> it. The state appropriated $8 million state-gide for all the acres of <br /> the Commonwealth to- go back to cities and towns. He saw that that was <br /> insufficient and not appropriate, therefore, he wrote a letter to the <br /> auditor and had hind do a very comprehensive study. He prepared a detailed <br /> study and found that the state owed about three tines what we were <br /> appropriating. Re . Cahir used that the following year, but there wasn't <br /> p <br /> haat much revenue to send back_ ., therefore we ,increased it another million. <br /> Thisy ear we are going to try to get it up to $11 million, state-wide. <br /> Mashpee receives about 100-200K. <br /> Chairman, questions realm of jurisdiction relative to this topic. <br /> Mr, Bowman (public) has question about town beach. He was unimpressed <br /> with -the job state did on parkin-g, boardwalks, etc. Isolated -areas <br /> -lead to parties, 'litter, etc. Present town beach open. Dune built on <br /> parking- lot. <br /> W. Vrs Mr. Bowman's question -stating town owns land where <br /> nods answers � <br /> State parking lot -Is planned. <br /> Sub-committee appointed by Chairman Kirsner as to what they do not dog <br /> or should do in the state park. Bila. Martiros, innifred Woods and <br /> Bruce cornp rise the committee. Periodic management during season, <br /> needs met andon-going maintenance. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p, m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> ara Gannon <br /> Board secretary <br /> Attachment <br />