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MINUTES (Corrected) <br /> SOUTH CAPE BEACH STATE PARK <br /> ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> TUESDAY? MARCH 221 - 2005 <br /> 6 : 00 P. M. <br /> I MEMS PRESENT <br /> JOHN W. CRAMER, JR, CHAIRMAN <br /> J. MICHAEL -CARDEIRC <br /> LANCE LAMS <br /> WILLIAM MART IRC <br /> JERALN SMITH <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: <br /> CAREY MURPHY excused <br /> Il The meeting was called to order at 6 :10 P. M. <br /> The minutes of January 4 , 2005 were accepted as printed. <br /> III: OLD BUSINESS <br /> Jack Cramer reminded the meeting that Catherine Conroy had <br /> submitted a letter of resignation which had been hand- <br /> delivered to Mashpee Town Hall (undated) . Barbara Gannon <br /> had brought this to the attention of the Board of Selectmen <br /> for their follow-up. <br /> There was a question relative to when Catherine originally <br /> became a member of the cornmittee. It was decided to use 1982 <br /> which seemed fairly accurate since Catherine was not among <br /> the original members in 1978 . Igor, was she a signator on the <br /> 1981 document. Jack acknowledged that Catherine had been a <br /> great member. Jack followed up with a letter thanking her for <br /> her service. <br /> Jack advised that he had tried to restart the process on the <br /> Ten Acre site. He had received a communication from Joyce <br /> Mason, Town Manager. Joyce stated that she had met with <br /> Patrick Costello on Friday, December 17 , 2004 , to discuss the <br /> status, and thought we would follow-up with a phone call t <br /> Chris Gault and get this project back on track. Jack had <br /> asked if that meeting had happened, and she stated, Yes , she <br /> had talked to Patrick Costello, perhaps two- or three weeks <br /> ago, and he had stated there were problems in Boston getting <br /> the new committee re lligeed. They have gone from the DEM to <br /> the new replacement agency which is called DCR, Department of <br /> Conservation and recreation, which is , apparently, dragging <br /> its war through the process. Joyce said- that she would send <br /> Patrick Costello an email and ask him for an update, <br /> Jack stated to Morris Kirsner that we have people on this <br /> committee who have an institutional memory. He also rare <br /> this by Joyce Mason. Joyce mentioned that we would be very <br /> welcome to. their meetings <br />