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Mashpee Planning Board <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> November 7,2018 at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Waquoit Meeting Room,Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Chairman Mary Waygan,Dennis Balzarini, Joe Cummings, David Weeden, David <br /> Kooharian, Robert(Rob)Hansen (Alt.) <br /> Also: Evan Lehrer-Town Planner, Charles Rowley-Consulting Engineer <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The Town of Mashpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the Waquoit Meeting <br /> Room at Mashpee Town Hall by the Chair at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,November 7, 2018. The Chair <br /> stated that the Planning Board encouraged public participation and that the meeting was being <br /> videographed and recorded. The Chair welcomed attendees and asked that anyone addressing the <br /> Board do so using the microphone, stating their name, address and their comments. All comments <br /> should be addressed through the Board to the Chair and a determination would be made whether <br /> comments would be heard by the Board, or taken under advisement. The Pledge of Allegiance was <br /> recited. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES—September 27,201.8 and October 17,2018 <br /> There was clarification that the October 3 minutes were approved at the last meeting and the Chair <br /> requested to hold the September 27 minutes for further review, due to their length. There were no <br /> comments regarding the October 17 minutes so the Chair asked for a motion. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Cummings <br /> seconded the motion. 4 yes, 1 abstain <br /> PUBLIC HEARING <br /> 7:10 p.m. Ockway Highlands Subdivision,Discussion and Possible Action to Modify or <br /> Revoke Approval (Continued from 9/27) <br /> The appointed time having arrived, the Chair opened the Public Hearing for Ockway Highlands <br /> Subdivision and read for the record the Public Hearing Notice. There was discussion regarding the <br /> timeline of continuances, noting that the hearing had been noticed beginning September 19 for the <br /> original notice and scheduled for September 27, continued to October 3 and 17 and finally to <br /> November 7". The Chair stated that the first Public Hearing would be regarding the Subdivision and <br /> all comments in the first hearing would be rolled into the second Public Hearing, regarding the Special <br /> Permit at 7:20 p.m. <br /> Mr. Rowley reported that there had been substantial improvements to Blue Castle Drive since his last <br /> report, and included meetings with Mr. Morin regarding grading between the two paved areas. Mr. <br /> Rowley did not witness the grading or rolling, but he would review it tomorrow to inspect the <br /> thickness. During last week's inspection, it appeared that the amount of material in the roadway would <br /> be adequate. A revision was made to the location of the drainage ditch on the right hand side to create <br /> a more gradual transition from a 20 foot width pavement to a 16 foot width of gravel. The stone <br /> shoulder remained. Work was being completed on the left hand side of the road. In addition, work <br /> was being completed on Carnage Road, where Mr. Rowley witnessed that despite seeding, some <br /> erosion problems had occurred. To limit erosion Mr. Rowley recommended lining with jute netting. It <br /> was Mr. Rowley's opinion that Mr. Morin was making a good effort to grade Blue Castle between the <br /> 1 <br />