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1 <br /> the mer tonight at the scheduled hearing. lis. waygan stated, based on the letter, that there <br /> were residents unable to attend who wished to comment on the matter and recommended <br /> opening the meeting, but cowing it to a future date when.the residents would be able to <br /> attend. Chairman Petersen inquired about how a continuance would impact the timeline. John <br /> Flaci, Project-Manager, indicated his preference that the meeting move forward. Nor. Falacci <br /> added that he had not received direst correspondence from the abutters, but that they had met <br /> with some neighbors to clarify confusion about a separate construction project located at the <br /> sales office. lair. Falacci indicated that notice gent to the abutters for the entire section 5 area, <br /> even outside of New Seabury, but notedthat the subdivision was pry isolated. There was <br /> agreement that a.smaller number of`re idents should have been notified, but that-the Town did <br /> not have the most current information from Land Court. Mr. Fudala also emphasized that the <br /> three proposed model homes had nothing to do with the subdivision, adding that there were few <br /> actual abutters to the subdivision. Chairman Petersen indicated that the public hearing could <br /> move forward and that the Board could refer back to the letter. <br /> Mr. Falacci surnmafized their request for a 21-lot subdivision located at Cross load and <br /> provided a-hist ry of the project, including meetings with the Board of Heal h, the Fire <br /> Department, GIS and the Conservation Cossion as well as with Mr. Fud.ala and Mr. Rowley. <br /> Mr. Falacci indicated that one road had been eliminated, but retaining Saltwater Circle. Mr. <br /> Fud la confirmed that the Board of Health and Fire Department had approved the plans. Mr. <br /> Fudala recommended that the applicant present their plans to the audience. <br /> David Crispin, of the BSC Group,described the plans, noting that the subdivision would divide-a <br /> -acre parcel that included a well field. Approximately three acres of the land would be divided <br /> for the subdivision and would include such improvements as a new -foot wide road draining <br /> to a low point on the back side, and reconstruction of Cross Road, channeling drainage into <br /> storm drains and rain gardens. Mr. Crispin added that submdace rainwater cisterns had been <br /> conceptualized for irrigating the landscaping. 'There would be just one catch basin at the site. <br /> The majority of the lots would front the new street. Mr. Crispin indicated his belief that they <br /> were in compliance with the subdivision regulations, adding that they would be requesting some <br /> waivers. <br /> Chairman Petersen enquired about Cross Road and Mr. Crispin coed that it was currently a <br /> dead end. lair. Fina added that the Address working Group had requested that Cross Load <br /> Extension be changed to just Cross Road. tis. waygan inquired about Saltwater Circle and it <br /> was confirmed that the name had been approved. Ms waygan referenced the Fire Department's <br /> approval and the plan that had been reviewed and it was confirmed that they had reviewed the <br /> _most current version of the plan. Mr. Rowley referenced the fourth page of his May 2 tetter <br /> highlighting the requested waivers. There was discussion regarding the variety of responses to <br /> Mr. Rowley's initial review but Mr. Rowley confirmed that changes had been made to the plans. <br /> New Seabury resident,Nick Rucici, suggested that the Board was unable to proceed in a smooth <br /> manner due to recent information being received and recommended that the:meeting be <br /> postponed until the information was available to others. Chairman Petersen suggested that there <br /> may be a continuance, but that materials which had been submitted were beim reviewed. Mr- <br /> Rucid added that there were people who wanted to be at the meeting, but could not, and who <br /> 2 <br />