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Environmental oversight Committee-The Chair reported the possibility of changing <br /> the tri eet ing night. <br /> Historic District Commission-No update <br /> Community Preservation Committee-Ms. Waygan reported that wrplus From the State, <br /> in the amount of 10 mi llior, would be applied to the Community Preservation Program and <br /> divided anxng participating towns. <br /> Charter Review-Ms. Way g n reported that she had fought hard to reconsider votes <br /> during meetings, suggesting that all members be present at meetings in order to take a vote. The <br /> next meeting will take place on Jure 16 at 5 p. ., with public comment at the beginning of the <br /> meeting. The'language for the proposed changes to the Charter should be available at that <br /> meeting. The public meeting will-take place on June 23 at 6:30 p.-m. in Town Hall. Ms. Waygan <br /> summarized that a motion had passed requiring that the Town Clerk be an appointed position, to <br /> which Ms. w ygan expressed concern.. Another vote should take place following the public <br /> hearing. Mr. Fudala also referenced the proposed election ofFinance Committee members. <br /> New Business 9 <br /> C. Rowley Expense vouchemNo invoices at this time <br /> Potential zoning articles for October Town Meeting-Mr. Fudala reported that f lashp e <br /> Commons had expressed interest in an article to simplify the OSID bylaw by removing the unit <br /> count, basing it on bedrooms and removing one of the bonuses. Mr. Fudala will work on <br /> drafting the verbiage for an amendment. Ms. Waygan expressed interest in reviewing the <br /> affordable housing piece of the cluster subdivision, requinng thathe affordable housing be built <br /> rather than converting it to open space_ lair. Fudala indicated that it was an mncentive process, <br /> noting that the loss of $150,000 building lot would be a stif 'erpenalty than a zoning violation. <br /> FIs. waygan suggested the affordability of'the lot be secured prior to certain activities taking <br /> place on the 5h lot. M . waygan will forward additional.information. <br /> Request to schedule public hearing on renaming of Beechwood Point Road to <br /> Santuit Fond ay-Ir. Fudala reported that a meeting had already occurred with.the residents- <br /> Mr. Fudala stated that the subdivision road existed prior to the condo development, but the entire <br /> development was given one address, 35 Santuit fond load. It been requested that residents <br /> maintain their address but that it be changed to Santuit pond way. Mr_ Fudala noted that another <br /> Beechwood load was located on the other side of Santuit pond. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bal arini made a motion to schedule a public hearing to rename <br /> Beechwood Point Road to Santuit Pond way on June le at :10 pnL Ms. Ways <br /> seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> l eorgani ation- <br /> MOTION: lis, waygan made a motion to open up nominations* Mr. BaLzarini seconded <br /> the motion. AR voted unanimously,. <br /> MOTION: Ms.wayg n made a motion to nominate George Petersen for Chairman. Mr. <br /> al arini seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MOTiol : Chairman Petersen made a motion to nominate Mary Waygan as vice Chair. <br /> Mr. rini seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. r <br /> 2 <br />