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r <br /> 3 ~ <br /> Mashpee Planning Board <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> June 1 ,2014 at 7: 0 pm <br /> aquoit Meeting Rooms Mashpee Town Mall <br /> PlanaWg Board Members Present: Chairman forge Petersen, Mary Waygan, Dennis <br /> Bal acini, Joe Cumnu*ngs <br /> Also Present: 'Tom Fudala-Town Planner, Charles ll -Consultant Engineer <br /> Absent: David Ioolarian <br /> CALIF To ORDER <br /> The"Town of Mashpee Planning Board meeting was opened with a quorum in the Waquoit <br /> Meeting Mashpee 'Town by Chairman Petersen at 7: 0 p.m. on Wednesday, ,Tune <br /> 18, 2014 and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. <br /> SPECIAL PERMIT MODMICATIO <br /> Applicant: Industrial Tower& Wireless, LLC <br /> Location: 54 Echo load <br /> Request: Determination whether or not public hearing will be required for Special <br /> Permit Modification.regarding addition of 12 ft.antenna to existing cell tower, per <br /> Zoning By-law Section 174-24.0(9) <br /> Chairman Petersen read for the record the request. sir. Fudala referenced a Cape Cod <br /> Commission email suggesting that the.request would require a permit modification rather than <br /> mandatory DRI review, allowing the Planning Board to grout a modification prior to the DFJ <br /> modification. Mr. Fudala further stated that the Board would need to make a determination <br /> regarding whether or not a public bearing was necessary, should there be a significant impact to <br /> the neighborhood. Ms. Waygan inquired about its proximity to the tower. Mr. Fudala responded <br /> that it was half way down Echo Road. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion that a public hearing was not needed. Ms. <br /> aygan seconded the motion. AH voted unanimously. <br /> Mr. Fudala reported that the applicant requested a waiver for the oo review and inspection fee, <br /> typically required should Mr. Rowley be needed to review plans or provide an inspection. The <br /> $500 application fee was paid. <br /> MOTION: Ms.Waygan made a motion to waive the S300 review and inspection fee for <br /> 0 <br /> this application. r. Ba�art <br /> fim seconded the motion. AH voted unanimously. <br /> PUBLIC FEARING <br /> 7:I0 Hearing under the provnions of Mass,achusett feral laws Chapter 85, Sections <br /> A and 3B, to consider a proposed change in the name of"Beechwood Point Drive" <br /> to "Santuit Pond way. <br /> The appointed time having arrived, the Clair read for the record the public bearing notice. Mr. <br /> Fudala referenced correspondence to include a letter from resident Frances wise and email <br /> correspondence from 311 Coordinator Clay Nicholson and President ofthe Beechwood Cordo <br /> 1 <br />