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8/6/2014 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
8/6/2014 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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would be constructed due to the economic changes. There was presently no financing available <br /> for condominiums, however, financing was available for rentals. Fifty--two rental units have <br /> been moved to the first sub phase of development. Mr. Connetl described the on'&final phasing, <br /> noting its expense, adding that the new, more orderly phasing would be contiguous and <br /> sequential. Mr. Connell indicated that the first phase was too large to finance so it had been <br /> broken down into four sub phases, which would be constructed as quickly as the market would <br /> accommodate. <br /> Mr. Connell described the original live work buildings, which h ashpee Commons determined to <br /> be unsuccessful for the area. As a result, in Phase 1 A, 8 discreet buildings would be constructed <br /> along Market Stream, featuring aero emery commercial on the first floor with.residential on the <br /> floors above. The building numbers include 40, 41, 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 46 and 4 . Bu#ldings 44 and <br /> 45 would be residential only. her. Fudala reminded the Board that their jurisdiction included <br /> only the commercial buildings, associated parking and square Footage. The original square <br /> footage was permitted for 40,900 square fpet, which would remain the same, but broken up in <br /> phasing. Mr. Balarini inquired about residential access to the buildings. lir. Connell responded <br /> that access would vary by building but some would have access from the rear parking area and <br /> some could have access from the street. <br /> Plans were reviewed and discussed. Nor. Rowley stated that, in his preliminary review with <br /> Horsley witted he considered access points and turning movements, especially for emergency <br /> vehicles, noting that it was dense construction not unlike the existing structures of Mashpee <br /> Commons. Mr.Ferronti confirmed that an Aute lysis was completed, and some parking <br /> spaces were relocated in Phase I A to acconunodate emergency vehicles. Air. ni inquired <br /> about access considering the steep grade and Mr. Connell responded that the grade was %or <br /> less and would be mediated with micro grading. Accessibility had been addressed. It was <br /> confirmed that each.commercial unit would have entry access from a street, #43 on Benefit, <br /> Benefit and Market, #46 and #47 on Market aad Jobs Fishing. The Chair inquired about the <br /> direction of'traffic around the island and Mr. Connell explained that the tr is had been <br /> designated as two-way on both sides-and Planning Board members expressed concern. Mr. <br /> Connell stated that it would not be aor thoroughfare and that changes to the green may occur <br /> during the design building pros. Mr. Fudala rooted that the ZBA would be addressing the <br /> is-sue and that the Planning Board's focus was on the 6 commercial buildings and parking. Ms. <br /> waygan added that there were some confusing traffic areas located at Mashpee Commons, such <br /> s the lane shift located near Route 15 l and cwfioned adding other confusing traffic areas, <br /> particularly with summer visitors. Mr. Connell stated that final engineering with final buildout <br /> will address any concerns. Mr. Bni inquired about stairs and Ir. Connell confirmed that <br /> there would be no steps into the commer properties. Mr. Connell added that 7 of the <br /> buildings would be pre-Fabricated, offering musam grade structures. <br /> Ms. waygan inquired about the housing waits and Mr. Connell responded that there would be 52 <br /> rental units in Phase 1 A with 13 affordable units. Mr. Connell expressed i -i.n further <br /> discussion about the Greenways proposal. <br /> Mr. Fudala dratted the special permit modification and discussed the decision's content with <br /> Board members. Mr. Connell confirmed that the entire Phase 1 had been reviewed by the ZBA <br /> 2 <br />
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