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} <br /> w <br /> MOTION: Ms. Way gaw made a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Ba arini <br /> seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MOTION; Mr. Bal ar;ni made a motion to accept the changing of the name from East <br /> Way to Oyster Way which will not become effective until January t, 2015. Mr. I ooharian <br /> seconded the motion. All noted unanimously. <br /> APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PIAN <br /> Applicant: Steven Mills <br /> Location: 65 Sakonnet Drive <br /> Request: Signature of 2 lot ANR Plan merging 2 lots and creating a lot in Sakonnet <br /> Drive <br /> Mr. Tudala indicated that Board members were in possession of the plans for the requested AT TR, <br /> which included the subdivision of a piece of Sakonnet Drive as required by Band Court. ,lack <br /> Mc lhinney, representing the owner, summarized that it was an AI R plan of a registered land <br /> lot fronting on John Pond and Sakonnet Dave. The landowner initiated the process with Land <br /> Court to confirm that ownership extended to the hi h mater mark,, which Land Court had <br /> confirmed after examining the title. A plan was needed showing the extension of the lot lines to <br /> the high water mark. Baxter&Nye, worldng with Mr. Rowley, has drawn up a new plan with <br /> the order from the Land Court, noting that it was subject to the rights of all others entitled to the <br /> use of the road. Mr. Mc lhinney confirmed that the plan would add Lot B/2272, a non-buildable <br /> lot, to be combined with Lot A. Mr. Fudala added that two original Land Court lots would be <br /> combined into Lot A. lir_ Rowley stated that he had been involved in lengthy discussion, <br /> including an original plan submitting it as one lot. Mr. Rowley remmmended the plan being <br /> presented so as not to incorporate the lines of the street into the lot area- <br /> MOTION:OTION: s. waygan made a motion that the Board sign this ANR. Mr. I ooharian <br /> seconded the motion All voted unanimously. <br /> Chairman Petersen signed the plan. <br /> SPECIAL PERMM <br /> Applicant: Southworth NWhpee Properties, C <br /> Location; The village at Willowbend, Simons Road and W illowbend Drive <br /> Request: Submission of Sped Permit Modification request to add garages to <br /> previously-approved condo area(Need vote whether or not public hearing required) <br /> The Chair read the request. Mr. Fudala confirmed that the application and plans were in'Board <br /> embers" packets. Mr. Mc lhinney sumnuaized that the modification was for the recently <br /> approved "The Villas"at willowbend, comprising of a total of 40 units. Two structures had been <br /> completed along with additional foundations and four units were under agreement. During <br /> marketing, the developer discovered interest in closed-in garage space, so a proposal was being <br /> submitted to convert surface parking areas into a total of 17 spaces, comprising of 3 wooden <br /> garages. lir_ Ilclhinney confirmed that there were no concerns expressed from Cranberry <br /> Ridge, adding that the fence had been installed. There was consensus that a public hearing was <br /> not needed. IIrIr. Rowley inquired whether a copy of the plan had been submitted to the Fire <br /> 2 <br />